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Through a Yellow Wood (A Catskill Mountains Mystery)

par Carolyn J. Rose

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Seven months after cheating death in the dark waters of Hemlock Lake, Dan Stone discovers a search dog trainer and his dogs shot down at a remote cabin in the Catskill Mountains. Only one young dog, badly wounded, survives the attack. No longer wearing a badge and intent on rebuilding the family home and making a life with Camille, Dan feels an obligation of blood to Clarence Wolven, a distant relative. He arranges the funeral and adopts the three-legged dog he names Nelson. When the sheriff’s investigation stalls, Dan returns to the cabin with Jefferson Longyear and feels the presence of Clarence’s angry ghost. When Nelson bolts into the forest, they trail him deep into rugged “forever wild” land and discover a serial killer’s dump site. That grisly find is just the first. As summer wears on, Dan suspects the killer is taunting him and may even be someone he knows. Goaded by a ghost he only half believes in, Dan is drawn deeper into the investigation and deeper into danger until his life and that of a young girl depend on a dog’s loyalty and a sniper’s aim.… (plus d'informations)

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In Rose’s mystery novel, former officer Dan Stone discovers a search dog trainer and his dogs shot at a remote cabin in the mountains. The only survivor—a badly wounded young dog he takes home with him. Although he no longer wears a badge, Dan is overwhelmed with the need to help solve the case. When the sheriff’s investigation stalls, Dan returns to the cabin with Jefferson Longyear and unfortunately stumbles across a serial killer’s dump site in the forest beyond. The horrific find is only the first of many as Dan is drawn in deeper to find a killer before he can strike again. ( )
  debbieaheaton | Aug 6, 2013 |
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Seven months after cheating death in the dark waters of Hemlock Lake, Dan Stone discovers a search dog trainer and his dogs shot down at a remote cabin in the Catskill Mountains. Only one young dog, badly wounded, survives the attack. No longer wearing a badge and intent on rebuilding the family home and making a life with Camille, Dan feels an obligation of blood to Clarence Wolven, a distant relative. He arranges the funeral and adopts the three-legged dog he names Nelson. When the sheriff’s investigation stalls, Dan returns to the cabin with Jefferson Longyear and feels the presence of Clarence’s angry ghost. When Nelson bolts into the forest, they trail him deep into rugged “forever wild” land and discover a serial killer’s dump site. That grisly find is just the first. As summer wears on, Dan suspects the killer is taunting him and may even be someone he knows. Goaded by a ghost he only half believes in, Dan is drawn deeper into the investigation and deeper into danger until his life and that of a young girl depend on a dog’s loyalty and a sniper’s aim.

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Carolyn J. Rose est un auteur LibraryThing, c'est-à-dire un auteur qui catalogue sa bibliothèque personnelle sur LibraryThing.

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