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The Forgotten Ones

par Laura Howard

Séries: The Danaan Trilogy (1)

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24417114,116 (3.49)1
Allison O'Malley's plan is to go to grad school so she can get a good job and take care of her schizophrenic mother. She has carefully closed herself off from everything else, including a relationship with Ethan, who she's been in love with for as long as she can remember.What is definitely not part of the plan is the return of her long-lost father, who claims he can bring Allison's mother back from the dark place her mind has gone. Allison doesn't trust her father, so why would she believe his stories about a long forgotten Irish people, the Tuatha de Danaan? But truths have a way of revealing themselves. Secrets will eventually surface. And Allison must learn to set aside her plan and work with her father if there is even a small chance it could restore her mother's sanity.… (plus d'informations)

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Affichage de 1-5 de 17 (suivant | tout afficher)
Started out interesting but never gained any traction. Never finished ( )
  Renegadefx | Sep 22, 2023 |
This is the second story of The Tuatha Dé Danann that I have read. I am still not totally sure what they are, but I know it has something to do with goddesses & gods in Ireland.I see some that say fairies, some say aliens..So which it is, I am so not sure...But there is a link in here that will talk about The Tuatha Dé Danann.

But, the first book I read was Rua by Miranda Kavi, although I did enjoy that book, I barely made it through the second if I made it at all. It wasn't really memorable, because I had to look it up to remember the title! It wasn't horrible, just not something I would go out my way to recommend...

But, this review isn't about that book...

So, I digress...

The Forgotten Ones was good and it kept my attention. A lot more than some indie authors have been able to do. Now, will I be in a hurry to read the second when it comes out (if it isn't already)? Probably not! Even if I didn't have about 36-40 other books to read...And that's just Kindle books!

This book got a 4/5 stars because it did keep my attention and had me wanting to look into other books similar to this one. I even had to look up what The Tuatha Dé Danann were...well, get an idea of what they were anyway.

The Link I used to figure out what The Tuatha Dé Danann were

The book isn't very long. A few mistakes throughout the book, but not horrible! It is at the point where you notice it but can still get through the book and understand what's going on. Seemed rushed from time to time but that was okay too.

I always suggest & try to remember that if you read any book, go into it not really expecting much, that sometimes makes it easier to get into and possibly enjoy. And that's how it was for me and this book. I didn't quite know what to expect, and didn't go into it expecting very much and I did enjoy it. ( )
  RamblingBookNerd | Jun 5, 2019 |
It took me a couple of days to figure out how I wanted to go about this review. I haven’t read many books of this type. It usually isn’t my type of genre. However, I do tend to find I like this genre from time to time. This book is no exception. Now just to get all of my thoughts out there so they are understandable and easy to follow.
I liked this book. It had me guessing and trying to figure things out throughout the entire story. That was a little difficult, but not completely impossible. Once the book hits about mid-point, it starts to kick into gear. More and more characters are introduced, along with more of the backstory to the plot. This is both good and bad. Good because it keeps you interested and intrigued. Bad, well not bad more like on a slight downside… because it does start to get a little confusing trying to follow what character is who and how it relates to the story. By the end, I had most of it down, I think.
I really liked that this isn’t just a story about faeries. It has many different angles for readers to follow. I like a story that isn’t just one complete story. This has its own little side stories, if you call them, to keep the story moving and interesting. The characters in the story are very likeable and dislikeable, where ever the feeling should be. There is no doubt who you should like and who you should dislike.
The ending… well, I am a sucker for cliffhangers. I love to love and hate them at the same time. This story is no different. I love the cliffhanger. It sure left me hanging for more. I hate that I have to wait for the next book in this trilogy. The waiting can be intriguing, yet gruesome at the same time. Hold on tight, I have a feeling the next book will be even more exciting. I am seeing a lot more “action” with the characters in the future. ( )
  AmberGoleb | Mar 13, 2018 |
Superficial characters, a convoluted story line which, all too often, does nothing to move the plot forward, topped off with a truncated, conclusion all combined to insure that I won't be bothering with any more of this series or, for that matter, any other work by this author. I ( )
  turtlesleap | Oct 5, 2017 |
My rating and review will be posted during the tour on August 27
  UANBookAddict | Dec 3, 2015 |
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For Mom,
for never telling me I couldn't.
I miss you every minute.
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I caught a glimpse of my mother staring out the den window.
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Allison O'Malley's plan is to go to grad school so she can get a good job and take care of her schizophrenic mother. She has carefully closed herself off from everything else, including a relationship with Ethan, who she's been in love with for as long as she can remember.What is definitely not part of the plan is the return of her long-lost father, who claims he can bring Allison's mother back from the dark place her mind has gone. Allison doesn't trust her father, so why would she believe his stories about a long forgotten Irish people, the Tuatha de Danaan? But truths have a way of revealing themselves. Secrets will eventually surface. And Allison must learn to set aside her plan and work with her father if there is even a small chance it could restore her mother's sanity.

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