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Coffin Girls, Elegantly Undead (Coffin Girls, #1)

par Aneesa Price

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A sexy, female vampire with secrets. A sinfully-handsome witch prince on a mission. A formidable Vampire Council with something to hide. A vampire descendent from the original Coffin Girls, Anais runs a successful event and wedding planning business from her majestic New Orleans plantation house. To the Vampire Council, she is seen as an exemplary hostess and household head of a misfit bunch of vampires. When Yves, her maker and head of the Vampire Council requests her assistance in hosting the mysterious, yet dashing Prince of Witches, Conall, she has no option but to accept. But Anais is the keeper of secrets; secrets that can kill. Protective of her family's undiscovered uniqueness, Anais is guarded, yet intrigued by the enigmatic witch prince.Conall and Anais are drawn together when confronted with fatal encounters and an unimaginable destiny... if she's willing to accept it and fight."Aneesa Price weaved us a world of intrigue and uniqueness with Coffin Girls..." Zoey Sweete, Author… (plus d'informations)

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Vampire witch Anais finds herself attracted to Conall, the Prince of Witches but needs to switch her focus when she comes under attack. Anais, using her event planner cover, tries to rescue kidnapped witches. Will the need for her paranormal romance overrules her responsibilities to vampire witches everywhere?

Slow paced and actions were predictable. ( )
  bemislibrary | May 26, 2013 |
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A sexy, female vampire with secrets. A sinfully-handsome witch prince on a mission. A formidable Vampire Council with something to hide. A vampire descendent from the original Coffin Girls, Anais runs a successful event and wedding planning business from her majestic New Orleans plantation house. To the Vampire Council, she is seen as an exemplary hostess and household head of a misfit bunch of vampires. When Yves, her maker and head of the Vampire Council requests her assistance in hosting the mysterious, yet dashing Prince of Witches, Conall, she has no option but to accept. But Anais is the keeper of secrets; secrets that can kill. Protective of her family's undiscovered uniqueness, Anais is guarded, yet intrigued by the enigmatic witch prince.Conall and Anais are drawn together when confronted with fatal encounters and an unimaginable destiny... if she's willing to accept it and fight."Aneesa Price weaved us a world of intrigue and uniqueness with Coffin Girls..." Zoey Sweete, Author

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