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Battle Story: Bosworth 1485

par Mike Ingram

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Bosworth marked the end of the reign of Richard III and the rise of the Tudor dynasty. Bosworth Field saw the two great dynasties of the day clash on the battlefield: the reigning House of York, led by Richard III, against the rising House of Tudor, led by Henry Tudor, soon to become Henry VII. On August 22, 1485, this penultimate battle in the War of the Roses was fought with the might of the Yorkists ranged against Henry Tudor's small army. This book describes how these two great armies came to meet on the battlefield and how the tactics employed by Tudor and his captains eventually led to the defeat and the death of King Richard III. Through quotes and maps, the text explores the unfolding action of the battle and puts the reader on the frontline. If you truly want to understand what happened and why -- read the Battle Story.… (plus d'informations)

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The UK History Press' new pocket-sized Battle Story series recaps important, mostly British battles. It looks like the series has been designed for e-books. In hindsight, the e-book would have been both cheaper and the layout more suitable for e-books. The tiny 3 x 5 cm maps are, given their low contrast, as awkward to look at in printed format as they probably are in the e-book. As e-books currently do not handle maps with grace, I generally prefer to look at a print edition but this is not a distinguishing feature of the Battle Story series. Given the choice between an Osprey or a Battle Story title, I would currently pick the Osprey.

The text offers a good account of the setup, the protagonists and the warfare of the period. The campaign and the battle are well told. This account already makes use of the 2010 revealed new location of the battlefield, which is to be described in Foard and Curry's long awaited upcoming definitive account of the battle. While previous accounts of the battle made it Richard's principal mistake to charge Henry Tudor, Ingram argues that the French pikes took Richard's forces in the flank and effectively decided the battle. Ingram also has the Stanley's set up their forces clearly on Henry's side (though only awaiting the decision among the kings). ( )
  jcbrunner | Jul 31, 2012 |
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Bosworth marked the end of the reign of Richard III and the rise of the Tudor dynasty. Bosworth Field saw the two great dynasties of the day clash on the battlefield: the reigning House of York, led by Richard III, against the rising House of Tudor, led by Henry Tudor, soon to become Henry VII. On August 22, 1485, this penultimate battle in the War of the Roses was fought with the might of the Yorkists ranged against Henry Tudor's small army. This book describes how these two great armies came to meet on the battlefield and how the tactics employed by Tudor and his captains eventually led to the defeat and the death of King Richard III. Through quotes and maps, the text explores the unfolding action of the battle and puts the reader on the frontline. If you truly want to understand what happened and why -- read the Battle Story.

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