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Elseerian (The Chronicles of Lumineia: The Second Draeken War, #1)

par Ben Hale

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The assassination of heroes was once a warning . . . for an invasion that nearly destroyed the world. Nations were slaughtered, cities were erased from existence, and defending armies were crushed into oblivion. With hundreds of thousands dead the races stood on the verge of extinction.But the end did not come.Instead the black horde vanished, leaving terrified survivors in its wake. As the centuries passed the holocaust faded into myth and legend. With the tale forgotten the renewed signs go unheeded. Only a supreme warrior can stave off the inevitable, a warrior named Elseerian.For the killings have already begun . . .… (plus d'informations)

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ABR's full Elseerian audiobook review and many others can be found at Audiobook Reviewer.

First thoughts about the cover of Elseerian: The Chronicles of Lumineia, Book 1? A man carrying a knife in each hand being stalked by red glowing eyes and a scythe. Interesting.

Is the man a hunter? A fighter? A mercenary? Is that death stalking him, or is it a sign that he brings death?

The main character is Taryn. He is part elf, part something else. He is stronger, faster, and is excellent with several types of weapons. Almost the perfect weapon in human form. What takes away from his perfection? He hesitates on taking a life. That helps make him that much better of a person. Less of an assassin type, more of a person that has faults and fears.

Liri seems to be the secondary main character. *Spoiler alert* She’s an elf princess. She’s also an absolutely great marksman with a bow. She’s Taryn’s best friend. Her ability to put people at ease and be social help show us how awkward Taryn is in social situations. It’s a lovely contrast. She is strong, witty, and a great partner for Taryn.

The Narrator is Derek Perkins. He has a lovely accent. It’s soothing and kind of poetic. Think favorite reading spot, warm tea and honey, and whatever favorite reading cookie that brings you comfort. That is his voice. That is how his voice soaks in and sooths.

And as for his voice being compared to a favorite reading cookie? You can never settle for just a little. The Author is Ben Hale. This book is 12 hours long.The story starts with a nice suspense, but then slows for awhile. Once it gets going again, it picks up the pace and helps hold the attention. Elves, Dwarves, Humans, Pirates, and many more different people are in this story. The back story of Taryn being an orphan and the story having the underlying of him trying to find answers of his heritage help keep the reader and/or listener hooked in and wanting more. Thankfully there are more books in The Chronicles of Lumineia storyline.

This book left me both impatient and content. Impatient for more of this story. And content because it made me happy. It is a great book. Loads of well written fight scenes, witty banter, and a young love lurking at the edge. Not a lot of gore, perfect for the mid-teen and up reader. Would definitely suggest it to others.

Audiobook provided for review by the publisher. ( )
  audiobibliophile | Apr 13, 2015 |
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To my family and friends,

who believed

And to my wife,

who is perfect
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"He was still alive when they found him," the woodsman said, his voice raspy, like bark being scraped off a tree.
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The assassination of heroes was once a warning . . . for an invasion that nearly destroyed the world. Nations were slaughtered, cities were erased from existence, and defending armies were crushed into oblivion. With hundreds of thousands dead the races stood on the verge of extinction.But the end did not come.Instead the black horde vanished, leaving terrified survivors in its wake. As the centuries passed the holocaust faded into myth and legend. With the tale forgotten the renewed signs go unheeded. Only a supreme warrior can stave off the inevitable, a warrior named Elseerian.For the killings have already begun . . .

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