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Someone to Love

par Addison Moore

Séries: Someone to Love (1)

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If you don't give your heart away, you can't get it broken. When twenty-year-old Kendall Jordan transfers across the country to Garrison University, the last thing she's looking for is a one-night stand. Unfortunately that's exactly what gorgeous Cruise Elton offers. Kendall has long since come to realize that love is an illusion, and Cruise couldn't agree more -- but something deep inside her wants him all for herself. So Kendall devises a plan to "play the player" and proposes that Cruise tutor her in becoming a female version of himself -- Garrison University's own playboy. But as real feelings emerge, the game gets complicated, and Kendall and Cruise will find themselves questioning everything they thought they knew about love. A New York Times and USA Today Bestseller "Easy, frothy fun." -- Cosmopolitan Magazine New Adult - Contemporary Romance *Intended for mature audiences 17+* Sexual situations… (plus d'informations)

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Fantastic. A great new adult read set on the campus of Garrison University. When Kendall Jordan arrives on campus the last thing she is looking for is a quick hookup. The first person she meets of course is the biggest man-whore on campus. This book is their story as we learn all about these two and what they each want deep down. Well written, great characters, and definitely worth the read. I recommend it. ( )
  Bette_Hansen | Nov 3, 2015 |
What happens when two people who don’t believe in love, happen to fall madly into the most beautiful relationship they could ever imagine? A train wreck.

When twenty-year-old Kendall Jordan transfers clear across country to Garrison University, the last thing she’s looking for is a one-night stand. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what, gorgeous, Cruise Elton offers.

Kendall has long since come to realize that love is an illusion that never lasts, and Cruise couldn’t agree more—but something deep inside her wants him all for herself. So, Kendall devises a seat of the pants plan to “play the player” and proposes that Cruise tutor her in becoming a female version of himself, Garrison University’s own playboy.

Real feelings begin to emerge, and neither Kendall nor Cruise know how to classify them. Everything they once thought they knew is redefined as they discover, in one another, Someone to Love.

I love Addison’s writing, and this book was no different. Her heroin/ female leads are witty and have a sense of humor all there own. They are smart although not perfect, and Kendall Jordan is no different.

Kendall arrives at a frat party to meet her future husband for the first time, she expects to get the keys to her new dorm and ends up finding out she is homeless for time time being. In comes Cruise and electricity ignites. Cruise is the manwhore of Garrison and when he sees Kendall he wants her right away and even pulls out the all famous, “ Do you believe in Love at first sight” line. Kendall isn’t falling for it, well at least trying really hard not to. But, not having a place to stay and Cruise offering up his spare room till she gets into the dorm leaves them roommates.

Cruise is a God, and he knows it, everyone wants him and he has had many woman. But now all he wants to do is spend time with Kendall, but his past shows up again and throws a wrench in his plans.

This book has some of of those sex sense you want to recreate and that leave you breathless. I liked that we got to see the growth of a relationship but I also think that it happened way to fast, These two show signs of strong feelings with not much of a build up behind it. There relationship isn’t perfect but I was expecting more drama in the book and when it didn’t come I was a little upset. Don’t get me wrong, there is a few problems but they happen later in the book and there isn’t much fighting is this relation, it is a little hard to believe. But Over all I enjoyed this book.

I would recommend this book for a more mature audience because there is sex and strong language. If you haven’t started reading New Adult books yet, this could be a good first for you.
( )
  Hbeck | Aug 19, 2014 |
What happens when two people who don’t believe in love, happen to fall madly into the most beautiful relationship they could ever imagine? A train wreck.

When twenty-year-old Kendall Jordan transfers clear across country to Garrison University, the last thing she’s looking for is a one-night stand. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what, gorgeous, Cruise Elton offers.

Kendall has long since come to realize that love is an illusion that never lasts, and Cruise couldn’t agree more—but something deep inside her wants him all for herself. So, Kendall devises a seat of the pants plan to “play the player” and proposes that Cruise tutor her in becoming a female version of himself, Garrison University’s own playboy.

Real feelings begin to emerge, and neither Kendall nor Cruise know how to classify them. Everything they once thought they knew is redefined as they discover, in one another, Someone to Love.

I love Addison’s writing, and this book was no different. Her heroin/ female leads are witty and have a sense of humor all there own. They are smart although not perfect, and Kendall Jordan is no different.

Kendall arrives at a frat party to meet her future husband for the first time, she expects to get the keys to her new dorm and ends up finding out she is homeless for time time being. In comes Cruise and electricity ignites. Cruise is the manwhore of Garrison and when he sees Kendall he wants her right away and even pulls out the all famous, “ Do you believe in Love at first sight” line. Kendall isn’t falling for it, well at least trying really hard not to. But, not having a place to stay and Cruise offering up his spare room till she gets into the dorm leaves them roommates.

Cruise is a God, and he knows it, everyone wants him and he has had many woman. But now all he wants to do is spend time with Kendall, but his past shows up again and throws a wrench in his plans.

This book has some of of those sex sense you want to recreate and that leave you breathless. I liked that we got to see the growth of a relationship but I also think that it happened way to fast, These two show signs of strong feelings with not much of a build up behind it. There relationship isn’t perfect but I was expecting more drama in the book and when it didn’t come I was a little upset. Don’t get me wrong, there is a few problems but they happen later in the book and there isn’t much fighting is this relation, it is a little hard to believe. But Over all I enjoyed this book.

I would recommend this book for a more mature audience because there is sex and strong language. If you haven’t started reading New Adult books yet, this could be a good first for you.
( )
  Hbeck | Aug 19, 2014 |
I finish. I finish! Round of applause please for my courage to force myself through this book.


Do not even bother to read this book. Seriously. I think something's wrong with me.. I didn't read the blurb and this is what I get! (I am that stressed at school lol) This book can cause your eyes to hurt from rolling them so much. This also could result in intense migraines.

Wrong things about this book:

1. The first meeting, emphasis on first, the girl went home with the guy she barely knew. Duuuude seriously?

2. The guy was such a playboy. The girl thought that it would be nice to be the campus' playgirl. And she wonder if he could teach her the basics. Oh crap. Just horrible.

3. The girl fell in love even though this guy screams trouble! I know some people like bad boy type of guys but noooo, I can't stand this.

4. Of course, the woman will change the man. She was the beeeeest thing that has ever happened to him. He luuuurve her already. She's DIFFERENT from other girls.. Gag me.

5. Of course, there is also the jealous ex-girlfriend. And some petty misunderstandings. Really, formulaic NA. I want to strangle this couple!

There were so many other things that was just so wrong. It was too many so I wouldn't write it all down. That ending though.. It was just so hilariously bad. At least, I earned a few laughs.

Just stay away from this thing, I mean book. Why the hell did I even read this one? ( )
  margaraawr | Aug 8, 2014 |
I finish. I finish! Round of applause please for my courage to force myself through this book.


Do not even bother to read this book. Seriously. I think something's wrong with me.. I didn't read the blurb and this is what I get! (I am that stressed at school lol) This book can cause your eyes to hurt from rolling them so much. This also could result in intense migraines.

Wrong things about this book:

1. The first meeting, emphasis on first, the girl went home with the guy she barely knew. Duuuude seriously?

2. The guy was such a playboy. The girl thought that it would be nice to be the campus' playgirl. And she wonder if he could teach her the basics. Oh crap. Just horrible.

3. The girl fell in love even though this guy screams trouble! I know some people like bad boy type of guys but noooo, I can't stand this.

4. Of course, the woman will change the man. She was the beeeeest thing that has ever happened to him. He luuuurve her already. She's DIFFERENT from other girls.. Gag me.

5. Of course, there is also the jealous ex-girlfriend. And some petty misunderstandings. Really, formulaic NA. I want to strangle this couple!

There were so many other things that was just so wrong. It was too many so I wouldn't write it all down. That ending though.. It was just so hilariously bad. At least, I earned a few laughs.

Just stay away from this thing, I mean book. Why the hell did I even read this one? ( )
  margaraawr | Aug 8, 2014 |
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If you don't give your heart away, you can't get it broken. When twenty-year-old Kendall Jordan transfers across the country to Garrison University, the last thing she's looking for is a one-night stand. Unfortunately that's exactly what gorgeous Cruise Elton offers. Kendall has long since come to realize that love is an illusion, and Cruise couldn't agree more -- but something deep inside her wants him all for herself. So Kendall devises a plan to "play the player" and proposes that Cruise tutor her in becoming a female version of himself -- Garrison University's own playboy. But as real feelings emerge, the game gets complicated, and Kendall and Cruise will find themselves questioning everything they thought they knew about love. A New York Times and USA Today Bestseller "Easy, frothy fun." -- Cosmopolitan Magazine New Adult - Contemporary Romance *Intended for mature audiences 17+* Sexual situations

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