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Botchan (Penguin Classics) par Sōseki…

Botchan (Penguin Classics) (original 1906; édition 2013)

par Sōseki Natsume (Auteur), J. Cohn (Traducteur), J. Cohn (Introduction)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneDiscussions / Mentions
1,0723619,798 (3.56)1 / 65
'All right, I decided, if I couldn't win tonight, I'd win tomorrow. If I couldn't win tomorrow, I'd win the day after. And if I couldn't win the day after, I'd just have my meals delivered from home and stay right where I was until I did win' Botchan is a modern young man from the Tokyo metropolis, sent to the ultra-traditional Matsuyama district as a Maths teacher after his the death of his parents. Cynical, rebellious and immature, Botchan finds himself facing several tests, from the pupils - prone to playing tricks on their new, naïve teacher; the staff - vain, immoral, and in danger of becoming a bad influence on Botchan; and from his own as-yet-unformed nature, as he finds his place in the world. One of the most popular novels in Japan where it is considered a classic of adolescence, Botchanis as funny, poignant and memorable as it was when first published, over 100 years ago. In J. Cohn's introduction to his colourful translation, he discusses Botchan's success, the book's clash between Western intellectualism and traditional Japanese values, and the importance of names and nicknames in the novel. Translated and introduced by J. Cohn… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Botchan (Penguin Classics)
Auteurs:Sōseki Natsume (Auteur)
Autres auteurs:J. Cohn (Traducteur), J. Cohn (Introduction)
Info:Penguin Classics (2013), Edition: Reprint, 112 pages
Collections:ATL - 8
Mots-clés:ATlantic ATL - 8

Information sur l'oeuvre

Botchan par Natsume Sōseki (1906)

  1. 10
    Au temps de Botchan, vol. 1 par Jirô Taniguchi (kaixo)
  2. 10
    Staggerford par Jon Hassler (bunnygirl)
    bunnygirl: Both are about secondary schools in small towns; their protagonists are somewhat outcast from the school staff, and the staff is largely made up of ineffectual, flawed characters who derive enjoyment from playing mind games with the other teachers.

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 Author Theme Reads: Botchan by Natsume Soseki3 non-lus / 3kidzdoc, Janvier 2012

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Aventuras y desventuras de un profesor novato destinado a un instituto rural.

El humor japones es complicado de captar, pero la novela es francamente buena, con personajes muy conseguidos, especialmente el narrador que termina cayendo bien pese (o gracias) a la gran cantidad de defectos que manifiesta. ( )
  Alberto_MdH | Sep 18, 2024 |
Aventuras y desventuras de un profesor novato destinado a un instituto rural.

El humor japones es complicado de captar, pero la novela es francamente buena, con personajes muy conseguidos, especialmente el narrador que termina cayendo bien pese (o gracias) a la gran cantidad de defectos que manifiesta. ( )
  Alberto_MdH | Sep 12, 2024 |
Story: 3 / 10
Characters: 6
Setting: 6
Prose: 5

Certainly feels like the "Catcher in the Rye" of Japan. Luckily this was markedly better than Salinger's. Hopefully will someday meet a fan that can explain why this book is so famous (other than its brevity). ( )
  MXMLLN | Jan 12, 2024 |
Apparently this book is read by students in Japanese high schools, so a lot of people here remember it with that strange mixture of fondness and annoyance that I'm familiar with from reading the equivalents in English. For me, it marks the first time I finally dragged myself to the public libraries near me. The English selection isn't huge, but it's reasonably-sized, and I'll have to keep going.

The style of the novel, at least in this translation (I found a worse one on Project Gutenberg...), is quite chipper, and thus it reads fast-paced and excitingly. I enjoyed it - I identified somewhat with the fish-out-of-water feeling of the main character, and I found it funny to hear prices having wildly different meanings to what they have now (the yen did a bit of hyper-inflation after the war). I think one yen was roughly equivalent to 1,000 of today's yen - the one that Natsume Soseki used to adorn the front of, although he's been replaced by some philosopher dude for about 15 years. It was like hearing about shillings in old British novels. ( )
  finlaaaay | Aug 1, 2023 |
[Note: this very well-known author's name is old-school Japanese, so 'Natsume' is his surname.]

I had a moment of delight while reading this. I was re-watching a favorite anime series when I noticed this author, likely this very book, was called out in the dialogue ("Given," episode 11)! Two high school students complaining about having to read Natsume Soseki describing stupid people a long time ago. I can't think of a more clear expression of how familiar this is in Japanese culture, both as a near-universally assigned reading and as a total drag to generations of teens. Reading it, I can see both positions clearly.

Natsume's narrator, the titular Botchan, is young, inexperienced, entitled, and callow, venturing into his first big adventure; in RPG terms, he's a First-Level PC. He's NOT a Japanese Holden Caulfield or Huck Finn, he's a young adult finding out how adult he really isn't yet. Full of self-assurance with no chops to back it up, he picks confrontation after confrontation that anyone with more on their resume would know to avoid. What keeps him interesting and entertaining, though, is his self-awareness that he is impatient and green. While much is made of the city-mouse/country-mouse nature of the story (a Tokyo boy out in the boonies), what's more relevant than the setting is the cast; he enters a Small Pond inhabited by a couple of pretenders to Big Fish status. Hilarity ensues.

What is undeniably neat to me is that Natsume's tale is very much set in a Japan of over a century ago but every step of the way, every character and conversation could be set today, or in Wisconsin.

"You'd think they'd be able to walk in a straight line without saying anything, but Japanese people are born mouth first, ..."

Has any teacher, manager, or employee anywhere ever NOT looked around and thought that of their colleagues or students? This would make a brilliant Netflix movie. ( )
  MLShaw | Nov 17, 2022 |
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Nom de l'auteurRôleType d'auteurŒuvre ?Statut
Natsume Sōsekiauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Cohn, JoelTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Sasaki, UmejiTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Tairin, AsagaArtiste de la couvertureauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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From the time I was a boy the reckless streak that runs in my family has brought me nothing but trouble.
Because of an hereditary recklessness, I have been playing always a losing game since my childhood.-----------Translation by Morri/ Kennedy 1919
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Wikipédia en anglais (1)

'All right, I decided, if I couldn't win tonight, I'd win tomorrow. If I couldn't win tomorrow, I'd win the day after. And if I couldn't win the day after, I'd just have my meals delivered from home and stay right where I was until I did win' Botchan is a modern young man from the Tokyo metropolis, sent to the ultra-traditional Matsuyama district as a Maths teacher after his the death of his parents. Cynical, rebellious and immature, Botchan finds himself facing several tests, from the pupils - prone to playing tricks on their new, naïve teacher; the staff - vain, immoral, and in danger of becoming a bad influence on Botchan; and from his own as-yet-unformed nature, as he finds his place in the world. One of the most popular novels in Japan where it is considered a classic of adolescence, Botchanis as funny, poignant and memorable as it was when first published, over 100 years ago. In J. Cohn's introduction to his colourful translation, he discusses Botchan's success, the book's clash between Western intellectualism and traditional Japanese values, and the importance of names and nicknames in the novel. Translated and introduced by J. Cohn

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