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Ethan's Story: My Life With Autism

par Ethan Rice

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"When Ethan Rice was four years old, he was diagnosed with high-functioning autism. He decided that he wanted to tell his first grade class that he had autism on his seventh birthday. His parents asked him many questions about what having autism felt like for him and wrote his answers down as a reference for when he told his class. Those answers are now published so more people can understand what it is like to have autism. While each child on the spectrum has unique challenges and strengths, Ethan's Story; My Life with Autism is Ethan's own story."--Page 4 of cover.… (plus d'informations)

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5 sur 5
The book was bland and geared more toward those with high-functioning Asperger's Syndrome than more severe or lower-functioning levels of Autism Spectrum Disorder. The biggest problem that I have with this book is that it speaks of God in the "autism is a gift" and "God won't give you more than you can handle" sense. This reeks of the disgusting attitude worn by those who have no idea what it's like to have a child who has a lower level of functioning and possibly even other syndromes/illnesses/disabilities that make life extremely difficult for the the individual, if not almost impossible without multiple medical, therapeutic, etc interventions.

If you are looking for a book to read to your child with high functioning Asperger's and you are a christian family that believes this is some sort of gift that plagues your child's social/developmental skills but your god will see you through the book.

If you have a child with any sort of autism that impairs the development and severely impairs their social skills and your beliefs are secular or anything other than chrstinan, then this book is not for you. ( )
  Shannon.Allen | Aug 24, 2019 |
Let me start off by saying- this is a wonderful book, especially since it is done by an 8 year old! The illustrations really help with what is being said from his point of view of living with autism. I read this to my children before bed, and they enjoyed it as well (ages 4 and 6). This is a must-read, especially for young children who may have classmates, friends, or family with autism, but not quite sure what it is about. Very cute! I look forward to reading more from this talented young man. ( )
  annmwilson09 | Aug 9, 2016 |
I am the mom of a 3 year old on the autism spectrum. so when I heard about this children's book written by an autistic child about living with autism, I had to pick it up and read it to my child, as well as my older children.

I am impressed with the fact that this young man is so willing to share his story so that purple will better understand autism. Reality is that autism is not widely understood. this story is well written and beautifully illustrated. I think this is one that all parents should share with their child. ( )
  destinyisntfree | Feb 28, 2015 |
I am the mom of a 3 year old on the autism spectrum. so when I heard about this children's book written by an autistic child about living with autism, I had to pick it up and read it to my child, as well as my older children.

I am impressed with the fact that this young man is so willing to share his story so that purple will better understand autism. Reality is that autism is not widely understood. this story is well written and beautifully illustrated. I think this is one that all parents should share with their child. ( )
  destinyisntfree | Feb 28, 2015 |
I bought this book.
Ethans Story: My Life with Autism
I'm very impressed that an 8 year old boy wrote this about himself and his daily life dealing with autism. How the author/ Ethan explains autism is in a simplistic and wonderful manner. The easy way it is explained can only come from a child. This is a very insightful book. I love the illustrations in this book. They make the story come to life. This will help teach tolerance to our younger generation. I've never met anyone with autism, but I love the story and my kids love it also. This is a wonderful read for children who do and don't have autism. I love the ending of the book how Ethan embraces his difference and that God made him different and special. I give this book a 5 star review! Loved it!! ( )
  Merisha_Abbott | Aug 1, 2013 |
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"When Ethan Rice was four years old, he was diagnosed with high-functioning autism. He decided that he wanted to tell his first grade class that he had autism on his seventh birthday. His parents asked him many questions about what having autism felt like for him and wrote his answers down as a reference for when he told his class. Those answers are now published so more people can understand what it is like to have autism. While each child on the spectrum has unique challenges and strengths, Ethan's Story; My Life with Autism is Ethan's own story."--Page 4 of cover.

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