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My Honor Flight

par Dan McCurrigan

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This novel tells the story of a young soldier who accompanies his great-grandfather, Doug Mackinack, on an Honor Flight-a sponsored trip to the World War II Memorial in Washington D.C. During the flight, the old man shares stories from his platoon's tour in Europe, many ending in dramatic (or occasionally, humorous) twists.The stories share not only suspenseful situations, but also the emotional impact of the platoon's journey through a broad range of humanity: Fear. Courage. Compassion. Anger. Love. Death. Loyalty. Mercy. Retribution. In a final defining moment near the end of his tour, Mackinack is forced to decide his path in a split second. Will he return to the man he was before the war, or will he become the killer the war created?When Mackinack and his great grandson reach the monument, there is one final surprise tied to events sixty six years earlier.… (plus d'informations)

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The premise of the book was interesting--a young man on his way to war gets a chance to travel with his great-grandfather to the World War 2 memorial in Washington, DC on an Honor Flight. On the way, he hears the stories of his great-grandfather's experiences in the war.

The 'wrapper' part of the story was rather under-played--providing just a very brief introduction and then setting up a scene at the memorial at the end.

The various vignettes shared in the series of stories were interesting, although they were lacking or wrong in some of the details. Being a veteran myself and appreciating basic detail, I was disappointed to read about a company comprised of nine platoons and a captain as the commander of a platoon and no squad leaders. In fact, the author seems to go out of his way to use "group" to describe various units rather than the correct military term.

Most of the personalities were interesting and colorful, although still somewhat generic.

I appreciate that the book did show a sense of respect for the soldiers of The Greatest Generation and doesn't undermine their contributions in a cynical retrospective way.

All in all, not bad for a debut story, but certainly has room for improvement. ( )
  gpaisley | Jun 18, 2016 |
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This novel tells the story of a young soldier who accompanies his great-grandfather, Doug Mackinack, on an Honor Flight-a sponsored trip to the World War II Memorial in Washington D.C. During the flight, the old man shares stories from his platoon's tour in Europe, many ending in dramatic (or occasionally, humorous) twists.The stories share not only suspenseful situations, but also the emotional impact of the platoon's journey through a broad range of humanity: Fear. Courage. Compassion. Anger. Love. Death. Loyalty. Mercy. Retribution. In a final defining moment near the end of his tour, Mackinack is forced to decide his path in a split second. Will he return to the man he was before the war, or will he become the killer the war created?When Mackinack and his great grandson reach the monument, there is one final surprise tied to events sixty six years earlier.

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Dan McCurrigan est un auteur LibraryThing, c'est-à-dire un auteur qui catalogue sa bibliothèque personnelle sur LibraryThing.

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