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If He Had Been with Me

par Laura Nowlin

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1,7333710,437 (3.81)1 / 4
A love story spanning the history of two teenagers' lives and all the moments when if one little thing had been different, their futures would have been together instead of apart.

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» Voir aussi les 4 mentions

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I didn’t realize i was reading a YA book. So it was just about high school young love. But the ending was a twist and sad that Finneas died. She tried to commit suicide but then found out she was pregnant so she didn’t try it again. Sad book. ( )
  BethQuerrey | Sep 7, 2024 |
i.. i’m sorry?? i don’t even have words. literally what the fuck, laura?! i couldn’t even cry while i read the last few pages because i was in shock. this book is “what if?” in novel form and i hate it and love it all at once. ( )
  lxxtw0 | Aug 24, 2024 |
Finny and Autumn have been best friends since the day they were born thanks to the close friendship their mothers share. At the start of "If He Had Been with Me", Finny is killed after a car accident, and then the reader is taken back to the past to where their friendship began.

Well, this novel certainly pulled on the heartstrings. The author captured the teenage voice perfectly and I enjoyed Autumn's memories and flashbacks of Finny, who I adored. He was such a wonderful friend to Autumn.

Following their journey from neighbours to best friends, then to soul mates was touching but there were so many mistakes, misunderstandings and missed opportunities between the two of them that I was left feeling frustrated. As I read Autumn's narration, the sense of dread grew and the ending was sooooo sad!

"If He Had Been with Me" was a lovely coming-of-age romance. It did have its slow moments but it was a quick read with lots of teenage angst. ( )
  HeatherLINC | Aug 24, 2024 |
This was such a heartbreaking book to read. I knew what was coming but I was still in denial about it. It has been a couple years since I last read this book and I still think about it all the time. I miss Finny. It's so unfair they didn't have their happily ever after. Ugh. ( )
  sophiebun2 | Jul 9, 2024 |
Was definitely slow to begin with and hard to see a plot forming but the more I got into it the more i loved it. I have never been so affeced by a storyline that the ending made me sob and made me feel physically sick. The book was a brilliant coming of age book and I believe the closer you are to that age the more you will probably resonate with the characters and their reasonings. I was invested with the main characters and was just itching for them to interact. There were some aspects I thought were a little bit rushed but I think it is well worth the read and I'm excited to read the second book. ( )
  libbyturnerrx | May 31, 2024 |
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A love story spanning the history of two teenagers' lives and all the moments when if one little thing had been different, their futures would have been together instead of apart.

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