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The End Games

par T. Michael Martin

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3081988,358 (3.29)12
"In the rural mountains of West Virginia, seventeen-year-old Michael Faris tries to protect his fragile younger brother from the horrors of the zombie apocalypse"--

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» Voir aussi les 12 mentions

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2.5 Stars ( )
  Mrs_Tapsell_Bookzone | Feb 14, 2023 |
Meh. Perhaps zombie books are not for me. The writing here is fine, and I was completely engrossed in the first portion of the story, then there was a revelation that took away some of the excitement for me. And then I felt like it was a normal zombie story. By which I mean: zombies, bad guys, good guys, fighting, end times stuff. I did think Patrick was a really well drawn character, and my favorite part of the book was the way Michael tries to be the best big brother he can, how he struggles sometimes, and the ways their dynamic moves the story forward. But I just didn't love the story.

Also, a tiny piece of the story that really bugged me: I didn't like the statement that when a woman who is in an abusive relationship doesn't leave it's because she is "weak." That word is taken directly from the text. I just hate the simplification of someone's motivations when that character isn't actually allowed to speak on their own behalf. It puts my back up immediately.

People in abusive relationships aren't "weak." They are STRUGGLING. WITH ALL SORTS OF THINGS AND EMOTIONS AND CONSEQUENCES. Particularly parents who have kids. Particularly women who often lose custody of children when they leave abusers. Okay, I'll stop. But seriously, such a harmful stereotype. Even if it's only a teeny portion of the overall story. ( )
  bookbrig | Aug 5, 2020 |
3.5 stars

Michael and his little brother, 5-year old Patrick, are playing a “game” where they are fighting the “Bellows”. Michael is only hoping he can get himself and Patrick safely to their mother, and he’s hoping she’s safe, too! Really, Michael IS trying to get to the “Safe Zone” he heard about on the radio, but it’s tough.

At the start of the book, I really wasn’t sure if it was a game or not, but once I realized that it wasn’t, it got more interesting. There were certainly some suspenseful moments and I was kept wanting to read. I do think zombies aren’t my favourite thing to read about. Though there were 4-star portions of the book, the majority of it was 3.5 stars for me (good). For some reason, I thought it was the start of a series, and I was all ready and willing to continue the series, but it seems that it is a stand-alone, after all! ( )
  LibraryCin | Feb 23, 2019 |
I did not like this book at all. The narrativ voice was jumping between past and pressen and 1st and 3rd tense in a very annoying and bizarre way. The story was boring and predictable. In the middle of action scenes the author went out page long rants about the thoughts and wonderings of the protagonist, to the point were it was hard to keep track of what was happening in the story! Felt like the author was focusing more on trying to make his writing poetic and unique, rather than concentrating on making the story interesting!
I had a hard time committing to this book. ( )
  Hessius | Dec 4, 2016 |
This is the book with the "Everything not saved will be lost -- Nintendo message" epigraph. It sounded promising, but did not deliver. The beginning was better than anything after it. Then it just becomes typical zombie story with typical "humans are the real enemy" plot. The characters are stock zombie tropes.

It's about a teenager and his little brother trying to survive the apocalypse. But the teenager has to frame the experience as a game, because the little brother is only five and will freak out if he thinks his life is in danger. Their goal to find their mother fades away after you get through the first act. On one hand, it's nice to have the caretaker relationship between brothers. On the other hand, the book is mostly about survival, not plot points, like "The Boy at the End of the World".

I was hoping the video game metaphor extended through the book, but it doesn't. It acts more as a hook, and becomes weedy partway through. The book is really just a horror novel. ( )
  theWallflower | Jul 19, 2014 |
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"In the rural mountains of West Virginia, seventeen-year-old Michael Faris tries to protect his fragile younger brother from the horrors of the zombie apocalypse"--

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