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Sherlock Holmes & Kolchak The Night Stalker: Cry Of Thunder

par Joe Gentile

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Not a dream, not a hoax, not a parallel universe! Two of the most uniqueinvestigators of all time try to untangle the same hundred yearsapart from each other! The lawless wild west, the hidden world of VictorianLondon, the present day hell of Hollywood...there...and back again. FollowHolmes' trail of a man who was wrongfully-and willingly-imprisoned, to shockingNew World Order anarchy, to a beautiful woman who needs Kolchak to delve intothe surreal past, to the shunned man who has the key to it of thestrangest stories never told! This volume contains the entire bestselling, three-issue miniseries!… (plus d'informations)

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This graphic novel compiles the entire storyline of a 3-issue comic book miniseries from 2009. Having been a huge fan of both Sherlock Holmes and Carl Kolchak for decades, I was initially leary of any attempt to cross them together. Gentile, however, manages to tell a story with elements set in both the 1890s and the 2000s -- Kolchak having been updated from his original 1970s era -- with surprising effectiveness. While I found the artwork incredibly uneven -- at times excellent and at times awful, Gentile's characterization was top-notch. Holmes is brilliant, sharp-tongued, crafty, manipulative, physical and surprisingly compassionate in his pursuit of justice in the name of an unjustly imprisoned immigrant. Meanwhile in modern times, reporter Kolchak is approached by a woman to investigate a mystery in her family's history. Gentile's narrative voice for Kolchak perfectly captures Darren McGavin's noirish voiceovers and downtrodden schmuck-who-won't-give-up personality. The Kolchak part of the storyline involves unusual supernatural elements, which provide the method by which the characters sort-of cross over with each other...the weakest plot element. However, the strengths of each of the separate storylines make this a highly recommendable entry for fans of both sleuths. I particularly appreciate that there are writers trying to keep the Kolchak character alive -- he's always been a "cult" figure, and it's a pleasure to see some well-told stories featuring him, over 35 years since he was first introduced in The Night Stalker. [If you enjoy this, you may also wish to try other Kolchak stories from this publisher -- Moonstone. Also, the excellent original Kolchak novel "The Kolchak Papers: Grave Secrets" by Mark Dawidziak, available through Interlibrary Loan.]

Originally reviewed for my local library's website: ( )
  cannellfan | Nov 21, 2012 |
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Not a dream, not a hoax, not a parallel universe! Two of the most uniqueinvestigators of all time try to untangle the same hundred yearsapart from each other! The lawless wild west, the hidden world of VictorianLondon, the present day hell of Hollywood...there...and back again. FollowHolmes' trail of a man who was wrongfully-and willingly-imprisoned, to shockingNew World Order anarchy, to a beautiful woman who needs Kolchak to delve intothe surreal past, to the shunned man who has the key to it of thestrangest stories never told! This volume contains the entire bestselling, three-issue miniseries!

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