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Daughters of Jared

par H.B. Moore

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Naiva, daughter of the dethroned King Jared II, lives in the shadow of her privileged elder sister, Asherah. But when Asherah develops a secret plot to return their father to the throne, Naiva must decide between protecting her sister and honoring her new belief in the true God--a forbidden belief that could cost her life.… (plus d'informations)

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I have read several H.B. Moore books and they intrigue me so much! I'm not Avery religious person but her books always capture my attention. There is so much to learn and discover! ( )
  vickimarie2002 | Feb 19, 2020 |
Daughters of Jared is a novel full of drama, romance, and action set in ancient times. Historical settings always fascinate me and I was particularly interested in reading this book because I haven’t read too many novels set in ancient Egypt. The book follows two sisters named, Ash and Navia, that have a strong bond until Ash’s and their father’s greed threaten to tear their family apart.

I did not care for Ash in any way in this novel. She was my least favorite character because she was so cold, calculating, and hateful towards Navia. She always pretended to be sweet she had some sinister underlying intentions. Whenever something bad happened to her she always blamed someone or something else for her own misfortunes.

While Navia is outspoken and confident, she is also very naive. I kept getting frustrated with her character because she kept believing in her sister even after she had been betrayed by her time and time again. Fortunately, Navia’s character does develop over the course of the story as she finds her spirituality and faith in God. This helps her to see things in a clearer light, but helps her through the many obstacles she struggles with. I felt that Navia misses out in so much in her life because while she always cared for others, she never took her own feelings into account. Her downfall is that her she has too good of a heart.

I’ll admit that the book is a bit confusing at first in the way the plot is laid out the beginning , but once it picks up the pace it becomes a lot smoother. I liked how everything unfolded, despite the issues I had with some of the characters. My only big complaint about this book is that I felt that Navia finally got the happy life she deserved a little too late.

FTC Disclaimer: I received this book in exchange for a fair and honest review. ( )
  Rlmoulde | Nov 25, 2017 |
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Naiva, daughter of the dethroned King Jared II, lives in the shadow of her privileged elder sister, Asherah. But when Asherah develops a secret plot to return their father to the throne, Naiva must decide between protecting her sister and honoring her new belief in the true God--a forbidden belief that could cost her life.

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