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A Spirituality of Living: The Henri Nouwen Spirituality Series

par Henri J. M. Nouwen

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What's the secret to living a spiritual life? So much is happening in our world that we often get distracted and listen to voices other than the voice of God. "If we want to be disciples of Jesus, we have to live a disciplined life," Nouwen asserts. In the spiritual life, discipline requires conscious effort to keep every area in life from being filled up. It means creating space in our life for God to act and speak. Nouwen identifies 3 essential disciplines for maintaining a life of discipleship: solitude, community, and ministry. In solitude we learn to listen to God through prayer. We realize that we are beloved sons and daughters of God. In community we learn to celebrate, as well as to practice vulnerability and forgiveness. After we have experienced solitude and community, we feel God's call to minister to a hurting world. God empowers us to do amazing things. This encouraging, insightful book will inspire you to practice solitude, community, and ministry. The result, Nouwen promises, is a fruitful, Spirit-filled life.… (plus d'informations)

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What’s the secret to living a spiritual life? So much is happening in our world that we often get distracted and listen to voices other than the voice of God. In The Henri Nouwen Spirituality Series, A Spirituality of Living is a short (only 64 pages), but rich booklet by Henri Nouwen on discipline and discipleship, edited by John S. Mogabgab. The Dutch author identifies three main disciplines: solitude, community and ministry. It’s not important to do or don’t do things, it al starts with being in fellowship with God and others. Nouwen draws his lessons from Jesus Christ’s examples in the Gospels. In solitude you can pray, and have communion with God. Listening instead of talking and walking. In community you can extend grace by forgiving others and receiving forgiveness and celebration of blessings and each other.
Ministry isn’t something to perform, but to trust. Gratitude is important here, as is compassion. Nouwen shares from his beloved painters, Rembrandt van Rijn and Vincent van Gogh and his own personal experiences in the Daybreak Community. The result is a fruitful, Spirit-filled life. ( )
  hjvanderklis | Jun 3, 2012 |
A Spirituality of Living by Henri J.M. Nouwen

Beautiful and encouraging are the best descriptors for this small but weighty volume. Using a couple Scripture passages, Henri Nouwen guides us peacefully to an understanding of how to live a fruitful life. He directs the reader to an understanding of where prayer and contemplation meet ministry. He helps the reader understand why "busy" and "success" leave a person empty and lonely. He explains our need to forgive and be forgiven for not being able to live up to expectations of love and friendship. He calls for a life/ministry of compassion and fruitfulness.

This is a rich, densely packed, easily read gift from a very loving heart. Beyond recommendation, I encourage open, contemplative reading. ( )
  bunniehopp | May 12, 2012 |
A short devotional emphasizing discipline and discipleship within three aspects of spirituality: solitude, community, and ministry. Within solitude, communion and listening is explored; within community, the need for forgiveness and celebration; within ministry, gratitude and compassion. The author concludes with the story of the river and the need for surrendering to the greater power of God.

The author provides many valuable insights. The suggestion that solitude--time alone in prayer, meditation, and study, time alone with God--must come before community and ministry is quite beneficial. The author's understanding of the need for community and to go out to minister while remaining part of said community is also profitable.

A worthwhile and meaningful devotional resource.

**--galley received as part of early review program. ( )
  deusvitae | Apr 30, 2012 |
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What's the secret to living a spiritual life? So much is happening in our world that we often get distracted and listen to voices other than the voice of God. "If we want to be disciples of Jesus, we have to live a disciplined life," Nouwen asserts. In the spiritual life, discipline requires conscious effort to keep every area in life from being filled up. It means creating space in our life for God to act and speak. Nouwen identifies 3 essential disciplines for maintaining a life of discipleship: solitude, community, and ministry. In solitude we learn to listen to God through prayer. We realize that we are beloved sons and daughters of God. In community we learn to celebrate, as well as to practice vulnerability and forgiveness. After we have experienced solitude and community, we feel God's call to minister to a hurting world. God empowers us to do amazing things. This encouraging, insightful book will inspire you to practice solitude, community, and ministry. The result, Nouwen promises, is a fruitful, Spirit-filled life.

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