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Young Sherlock Holmes series : Black ice par…

Young Sherlock Holmes series : Black ice (édition 2014)


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311785,569 (4.08)3
In 1868, teenaged Sherlock Holmes faces danger in a train station for the dead, a museum of curiousities, and downtown Moscow as he helps his brother, Mycroft, who has been framed for murder.
Titre:Young Sherlock Holmes series : Black ice
Info:Pan Macmillan 20 New Wharf Road, London N1 9RR : Macmillan Children's Books an imprint, 2014.
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

Black Ice par Andrew Lane


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The third entry in the Young Sherlock Holmes series, this is best read in order so as to get the references and know just why Sherlock is in such danger. Mycroft has a more prominent role in this book; I like the hints that showed what he would become.

This book feels somewhat like pulp fiction with outrageously over-the-top plans by the villains, but I thoroughly enjoyed it in all of its unlikely glory. This version of Sherlock is fascinating and I cannot wait to see where the author goes next with the series.

Highly recommended for Sherlock Holmes fans, especially for younger fans. ( )
  Jean_Sexton | Aug 18, 2019 |
It's a cute idea, but the flaws in the first volume bloom into gaping plot holes and difficult to swallow coincidences. I really, really want to like this series. Unfortunately, the author seems to have a checklist of things that have to happen to turn a bright 15 year old into the canonical Sherlock Holmes. This book felt much more like an exercise in checking off boxes than an a cohesive narrative.

The narration is excellent, but doesn't hid the book's problems. It's possible I would feel differently if I had read these in order, so I'll give the second book a try. ( )
  hopeevey | May 20, 2018 |
This third book in the series of young Sherlock Holmes is at least as good as the first two, and quite possible the best of them so far.

It is quite easy to see the grown-up Holmes in this young Sherlock. Here he finds, and buys on his own, his violin. We also get a much closer look at Mycroft.

I know some people feel it starts too slowly - as they said about the first two - but I wonder if that is not how adventures truly start. Usually one doesn't realize they are about to begin an exciting adventure.

In my opinion, it is an excellent edition to a great series. ( )
  mysterymax | Sep 3, 2013 |
I don't normally read Young Adult books, but I am a huge Sherlock Holmes fan. I really enjoyed this book!

The reader gets to see Sherlock Holmes in his formative years, when he is still learning and vulnerable. It is an interesting perspective to see Holmes in a story where he is not the smartest person on the case! This tale also helps the reader to see how Holmes came to be a private detective as an adult.

Holmes and his tutor visit Mycroft and find him in a locked room with a dead body, holding a knife in his hand. The police decide on his guilt, so they set out to clear his name. A fast paced adventure follows, where they face danger and adventure and double agents. There's also a bit of culture thrown in with the theater and the violin.

This definitely sets the stage for the adult Sherlock Holmes we already know.

I have not read the previous books in the series, and there were several references to earlier events that I did not follow. However, in spite of that I very much enjoyed this book and I would definitely read others in this series. ( )
  BookAngel_a | Apr 24, 2013 |
I got this book for my ten year old son to read, as he’d enjoyed the first two books in this series. After two chapters, though, he put it down saying it was boring. Not one to let a book go to waste, I picked it up.

The first two chapters are a little slow…but after that, this book picks up the pace and was an engaging read. I am a huge fan of the BBC series “Sherlock” and so I enjoyed this look at what people and events might have formed this fascinating and enigmatic character.

After the slow start, this book is almost a non-stop adventure…and although I wasn’t a big fan of all the people (and their intensity) trying to kill a young Sherlock…I understand that it’s a part of the story and the legend.

There were a couple of lines that ring particularly true. As Mycroft (who almost has more of a presence here than Sherlock) contemplates his actions on the world stage: “It is not a game, let alone a great one. Sitting here in London, in a comfortable armchair, it is possible to lose track of that. Perhaps if my time in Russia has taught me one thing, it is that the pieces we so blithely move on the chessboard are real people, with real feelings.”

And in true Mycroft fashion: “That is the way international relations ought to be conducted: politely and with refreshments…”

There is just something about the legend of Sherlock Holmes that is irresistible to readers of all ages. I think I might make my son now read Chapter Three… ( )
  karieh | Feb 3, 2013 |
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In 1868, teenaged Sherlock Holmes faces danger in a train station for the dead, a museum of curiousities, and downtown Moscow as he helps his brother, Mycroft, who has been framed for murder.

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