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Shooting Hollywood: The Diana Poole Stories

par Melodie Johnson Howe

Séries: Diana Poole

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A forty-year-old actress tries to make a comeback--but death keeps getting in the way Diana Poole was the last of the starlets. A vibrant blonde with a quick wit and sharp intelligence, she was on her way to the top when Colin Hudson changed her mind about being famous. He was the finest screenwriter in Hollywood, and loved her well enough that she lost the acting bug forever. When he dies, he leaves Diana lonely, broke, and verging on middle age--a combination that's difficult anywhere, but toxic in Hollywood.   Thankfully, Diana still knows how to play the game. Working her old contacts and hustling for a job, she contends with crazy young ingenues, lecherous studio heads, and the cutthroat attention of her fellow fading beauties. But there's an added twist: On and off the set, she can't help stumbling over dead bodies. Tragedy follows Diana Poole, and in Hollywood, tragedy comes cheap.… (plus d'informations)

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Before I discovered Shooting Hollywood, I had been looking and hoping for a new book from Melodie Johnson Howe since 1994. I enjoyed her two previous mysteries, The Mother Shadow and Beauty Dies, so much that I have read each several times in the years since then. Though I knew what would be happening in the books, I still loved Ms. Howe’s smart writing style and the well realized characters she created, and I especially enjoyed the interactions of those characters. Those qualities from her two novels also appear in this series of short stories, though because of their length the qualities aren’t quite as well developed.

The murder mystery stories in Shooting Hollywood all feature Diana Poole, whose disillusioned but still wistful sophistication sets their tone. She’s a former Hollywood starlet now in her forties and trying to get work again because her husband has died. Since all the stories are about her, each one has a few sentences covering the same backstory, and a lot of people do seem to be killed around her, but those are minor issues because the stories are fun to read. There is a paragraph before each story explaining what ideas or circumstances inspired the plot, and I found these descriptions almost as interesting as the stories themselves. Ms. Howe herself is an actress, and she’s made movies with many big name Hollywood stars, so it’s fascinating to have her behind the scenes perspective. ( )
  Jaylia3 | Nov 12, 2012 |
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A forty-year-old actress tries to make a comeback--but death keeps getting in the way Diana Poole was the last of the starlets. A vibrant blonde with a quick wit and sharp intelligence, she was on her way to the top when Colin Hudson changed her mind about being famous. He was the finest screenwriter in Hollywood, and loved her well enough that she lost the acting bug forever. When he dies, he leaves Diana lonely, broke, and verging on middle age--a combination that's difficult anywhere, but toxic in Hollywood.   Thankfully, Diana still knows how to play the game. Working her old contacts and hustling for a job, she contends with crazy young ingenues, lecherous studio heads, and the cutthroat attention of her fellow fading beauties. But there's an added twist: On and off the set, she can't help stumbling over dead bodies. Tragedy follows Diana Poole, and in Hollywood, tragedy comes cheap.

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