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Touch Me

par Callie Croix

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1661,340,329 (3.29)Aucun
Arriving home on leave from his tour of duty, Army Captain Alex Mendoza knows there's a beautiful woman waiting for him--his best friend's sister. She's always been off limits...until now. He fully intends to move them out of being "just friends" and encourage her to release the sexual needs he senses she's buried deep. Tianna McIntyre is starting over after her marriage ended. Her ex-husband weakened her self-esteem and caused her to deny her true sexual desires. But being around Alex brings all her dormant fantasies to the surface, and now Tianna feels the stirrings of her secret, submissive wishes. Determined to help repair the damage Tianna's ex did to her self-worth, Alex will use whatever means necessary to convince her they're meant for each other, including tying her down to make sure he has her full attention while he takes her to the heights of pleasure she's always dreamed of... 22,000 words… (plus d'informations)

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I was hoping for a bit more angst and insecurity on the part of the heroine but it was pretty angst-less. Short and cute, with some steamy sex, just not quite what I was looking for (2.5 stars) ( )
  Rhiannon.Mistwalker | Aug 19, 2022 |
Nicely done little erotic novella. Not a lot of plot just a couple of days in the life of a soldier home on medical leave and his best friend's sister. She is getting over a bad divorce and they let out the feelings they've had for each other. Believable emotions and nicely done hot sex scenes. ( )
  Luziadovalongo | Jul 14, 2022 |
Touch Me by Callie Croix is a short but incredibly hot and emotionally satisfying read. If you are looking for a story with fabulous characters, a touching romance and deliciously carnal sex, then you will love this delightful novella. To read my review in its entirety, please visit ( )
  kbranfield | Feb 3, 2020 |
review coming ( )
  debr56 | Dec 31, 2014 |
Fiction; Romance/Erotica
3 stars

Touch Me by Callie Croix is a good story, but a forgettable one. I found this book to be a quick read that was good but not great.

Alex is sent home to recover from a military injury. Staying in his house is Tianna, a recently divorced friend who is emotionally marred by her ex-husbands PTSD. The attraction between Alex and Tia is electric from the very beginning and does not disappoint throughout the story.

There were many good things about the book that I liked. A strong sexy hero for one, who allowed the heroine space to deal with her emotions. I also enjoyed that the author did not make the heroine whiny and needy due to her issues. I thought the love story between them was satisfying for how short the book was.

My issues stemmed from a few details at the beginning of the book that were "off" and left me heavily critiquing the rest of the story. Though not a 'deal-breaker' to the rest of the story, they were enough to set the tone for me that the writing felt sloppy and unresearched. Perhaps it was just an oversight, but it is my hope that these things were addressed in the ARC copy and adjusted before its actual release. Again, not a deal-breaker but not what I would have expected from this writer. (Kaylea Cross writing as Callie Croix)

As far as quick, steamy love stories go-- I would give it 4 stars but the lack of attention to some details annoyed me enough to drop it down to 3 stars. ( )
  showmegirl | Jun 17, 2012 |
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Arriving home on leave from his tour of duty, Army Captain Alex Mendoza knows there's a beautiful woman waiting for him--his best friend's sister. She's always been off limits...until now. He fully intends to move them out of being "just friends" and encourage her to release the sexual needs he senses she's buried deep. Tianna McIntyre is starting over after her marriage ended. Her ex-husband weakened her self-esteem and caused her to deny her true sexual desires. But being around Alex brings all her dormant fantasies to the surface, and now Tianna feels the stirrings of her secret, submissive wishes. Determined to help repair the damage Tianna's ex did to her self-worth, Alex will use whatever means necessary to convince her they're meant for each other, including tying her down to make sure he has her full attention while he takes her to the heights of pleasure she's always dreamed of... 22,000 words

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