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One More Victim

par Randy Attwood

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Author: Randy Attwood
Published by: R.A.
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 4


"One More Victim" by Randy Attwood was a well written collection of four stories that only Mr. Attwood could give its readers. 'One More Victim' was a very emotional and memorable story. 'The Saltness of Time" was of four stranded college stranded in a blizzard in Kansas. 'Blue Kansas Sky' concerning the mind some adolescent boys and last 'Innocent Passage we find boys that will discover hidden secrets. I did find these reads very interesting and with the setting to be from Kansas. Each of Mr. Attwood's short stories were all good reads that left the reader with a message of being able to connect with and if nothing else leaving you to say Wow, that was a interesting read..Really! ( )
  arlenadean | Apr 17, 2013 |
WOW! What a wonderful short story. This book starts out in 1958 but ends up in 1994. This book has so much in the few pages that I am amazed at how well the author was able to created such a wonderful story. Please be aware that this review may contain spoilers.

This book starts out with Greg being a 5 year old child woke up by a strong thunderstorm. He walks in the living room of his home and sees his father holding a flashlight looking out into the night sky.

Greg has a father and a step-mother but his real mother died a couple of years ago during a different thunderstorm that had a tornado with the storm. Greg talks about the storm to others but not his father. Greg remembers the storm but is sad that he does not remember the mother who died in the storm.

Greg is a little bit of a weird child. He goes through people's trash for treasures. Greg find some amazing stuff. After the storm Greg builds a hut so help hide some of his treasures. While there one day Greg has an unexpected visitor, Kathy.

Greg shares some of his treasures with Kathy and that starts everything in motion.

This book covers so much in the few pages that it is just a great read. This book can be read in less than an hour but it is an hour well spent. I have not read anything by this author before but I look forward to some of his additional work in the future. ( )
  kybunnies | Dec 26, 2011 |
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Randy Attwood est un auteur LibraryThing, c'est-à-dire un auteur qui catalogue sa bibliothèque personnelle sur LibraryThing.

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