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Caliban's War (The Expanse) par James…

Caliban's War (The Expanse) (édition 2012)

par James S.A. Corey

Séries: The Expanse (2)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
4,3881852,767 (4.14)132
We are not alone. On Ganymede, breadbasket of the outer planets, a Martian marine watches as her platoon is slaughtered by a monstrous supersoldier. On Earth, a high-level politician struggles to prevent interplanetary war from reigniting. And on Venus, an alien protomolecule has overrun the planet, wreaking massive, mysterious changes and threatening to spread out into the solar system. In the vast wilderness of space, James Holden and the crew of the Rocinante have been keeping the peace for the Outer Planets Alliance. When they agree to help a scientist search war-torn Ganymede for a missing child, the future of humanity rests on whether a single ship can prevent an alien invasion that may have already begun . . .… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Caliban's War (The Expanse)
Auteurs:James S.A. Corey
Info:Orbit (2012), Paperback, 624 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

[CALIBAN'S WAR] by (Author)Corey, James S. A. on Jun-07-12 par James S. A. Corey

Récemment ajouté paroverthebookshelfwall, johnbauer2000, Tucholsky1991, TheBighams, rikrakrik, Cudman, bibliothèque privée

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While reading [b:Green Mars|77505|Green Mars (Mars Trilogy, #2)|Kim Stanley Robinson||69059], I was struck by contrasts between the philosophical underpinnings of epic sci-fi series. From [b:Leviathan Wakes|8855321|Leviathan Wakes (The Expanse, #1)|James S.A. Corey||13730452] and ‘Caliban’s War’, I’m inclined to think the Expanse novels are more sceptical of humanity’s ability to co-operate than the [b:Mars Trilogy|1655299|Mars Trilogy|Kim Stanley Robinson||1649931] but less so than Cixin Liu’s [b:Remembrance of Earth's Past|36520192|Remembrance of Earth's Past (The Three-Body Problem)|Liu Cixin||58251384]. In Corey’s world, politics is a complex game of competing interests that sometimes overlap. While some players are motivated by amoral greed, others are idealistic and wish to protect the vulnerable. All are capable of ruthlessness, which can be tempered by a sense of empathy and community. Both the Expanse novels and [b:Remembrance of Earth's Past|36520192|Remembrance of Earth's Past (The Three-Body Problem)|Liu Cixin||58251384] deal with the difficulties humanity has in uniting against a mysterious alien threat. In ‘Caliban’s War’, an alien ‘protomolecule’ has taken over Venus. Once again, Holden and his scrappy crew are caught up in the fallout, along with some new characters. As in [b:Leviathan Wakes|8855321|Leviathan Wakes (The Expanse, #1)|James S.A. Corey||13730452], one of main plot strands involves a missing person, although it’s a four year old girl rather than a woman this time. The introduction of a powerful UN politician, Avasarala, is an inspired way to show the wider picture and she proves to be a very compelling character. I also really liked Bobbie the Martian marine. Combined with Prax the botanist, these female protagonists make for a much more varied and interesting cast of narrators than Holden and Miller in the previous book. Nonetheless, Holden continues to be an appealing protagonist. I particularly liked his growing awareness that Miller has been a bad influence on him. His character arc of realising that he shouldn’t just shoot first and ask questions later is really refreshing. His crap disguise beard is funny and it is very sweet when he essentially asks his whole crew to marry him. The Rocinante crew’s found family vibe is lovely, even though they're mercenaries who kill quite a lot of people.

As before, the plot proceeds at a breakneck pace, instantly involving the reader and making the book hard to put down. The action sequences are thrilling, tense, and often frightening. Unusually, Corey manages to keep you in tenterhooks about whether main characters will survive the next scene. Among the shoot-outs, chases, and stand-offs, there are also plenty of thoughtful and interesting world-building details. I particularly liked Bobbie’s first experiences of Earth after spending her whole life on Mars or in space. Her agoraphobic reaction to being outside in a breathable atmosphere is very well-observed, as is her astonishment about basic income. Likewise, Prax’s observations of cascading failure in the closed environment of Ganymede. The politics of Mars, Earth, and the Belt are further elaborated, with a greater focus on Earth this time. The importance of Ganymede as the breadbasket of the outer planets is vividly shown, as is the hostile environment of Io.

Via gifs of the TV show, I’d been spoiled for the cliffhanger revelation at the very end: that Miller survived as some form of alien hybrid. I’m very intrigued to see where this goes, as ‘Caliban’s War’ amply demonstrates that those infected by the alien protomolecule are learning and changing. Attempts by humans to control and weaponise them fail in a spectacularly destructive fashion. I suspect that little Mei is also infected with some form of the protomolecule. Despite their newly independent status, Holden’s crew are clearly going to be caught up in further alien shenanigans and political machinations, which promise continuing excitement. I hope Avasarala remains a protagonist, as I love her sharp intelligence and constant swearing. My experiment in reading books in a series less than two years apart is proving rewarding. I rushed through ‘Caliban’s War’ as I was enjoying it so much. Perhaps now might be the time to try out the TV adaptation. ( )
  annarchism | Aug 4, 2024 |
Brilliant ( )
  ilsevr1977 | Jul 14, 2024 |
This is book two of the author’s very popular Expanse series, following Leviathan Wakes. I read Leviathan Wakes over five years ago, and didn’t particularly care for it, but running out of things to read, I elected to proceed with the Expanse series.

Having taken a five year hiatus, I had little memory of the characters or details from the first novel, but after reading my review and immersing myself in the new book, I didn’t feel lost at all. The author includes several information dumps which assisted greatly in this regard.

In a nutshell, the political landscape of the solar system includes the United Nations of Earth, Mars and the Outer Planets Alliance, in an uneasy peace, which is shattered by the appearance of a protomolecule on Ganymede. The action in this novel centers on destruction of the agricultural domes on Ganymede, attempted weaponization of the protomolecule, and the resulting military responses by the three human factions.

Primary characters are an undersecretary for the United Nations, an Indian or Pakistani woman named Avasarala; James Holden, captain of the Rocinante, and his crew; and a scientist from Ganymede named Prax, whose kidnapped daughter holds the key to unlocking the mystery of Ganymede. The chapters of the book largely rotate from the points of view of these characters.

I felt like this was a better reading experience than Leviathan Wakes and have no hesitation in proceeding on to book three. ( )
  santhony | Jul 8, 2024 |

CIT:"radio scrocchia, crocchia. mastica, e schiocca" ( )
  LLonaVahine | May 22, 2024 |
Continuing adventures in the asteroid belt, Mars and Earth threatening war after the destruction of agricultural domes on Ganymede by unknown forces. Holden, Naomi, Alex and Amos bucanneering in the Rocinante ( )
  neurodrew | May 12, 2024 |
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Benshoff, KirkConcepteur de la couvertureauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Cresti, Stefano AndreaTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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Wikipédia en anglais (2)

We are not alone. On Ganymede, breadbasket of the outer planets, a Martian marine watches as her platoon is slaughtered by a monstrous supersoldier. On Earth, a high-level politician struggles to prevent interplanetary war from reigniting. And on Venus, an alien protomolecule has overrun the planet, wreaking massive, mysterious changes and threatening to spread out into the solar system. In the vast wilderness of space, James Holden and the crew of the Rocinante have been keeping the peace for the Outer Planets Alliance. When they agree to help a scientist search war-torn Ganymede for a missing child, the future of humanity rests on whether a single ship can prevent an alien invasion that may have already begun . . .

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