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The Enforcers: Freedom to Wield Will par…

The Enforcers: Freedom to Wield Will (édition 2011)

par Edmund Alexander Sims (Auteur)

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I've grown so much since the last time. Hi all - this is Sheol. Some of you may know me as a major character from this novel. Others of you may know of me as a result of vicious lies which have been spread around about me allegedly extorting the publisher of this book. In fact, I'll be talking with the creative director of Dope Enterprises about that press release and those status updates with the #help hashtag in short order. Anyway I've taken it upon myself to rename this entire series and have since retroactively included that first Criticality novel and this second novel as a part of my new True Hate Trilogy. I know - I know: This is supposed to be Acro's series, but your protagonist chooses to hide like a scared child instead of facing me like an adult. And that's fine. People will die. That's fine. Eventually your 'hero' will grow tired of using the rest of you as shields - that or, he'll run out of them. I certainly won't tire of taking you or anybody else in my way out until I get to him. Unless there's controversy, stupidity, or tragedy, people don't seem to want to get behind it, and I don't have a budget, so yes I guess it's going to be all of the above. Dope Enterprises Disclaimer: Dope Enterprises does not condone or endorse the hurtful tone and violent rhetoric from this description. The views expressed here are those of Sheol alone.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:The Enforcers: Freedom to Wield Will
Auteurs:Edmund Alexander Sims (Auteur)
Info:Dope Enterprises (2011), Edition: first, 303 pages
Collections:Read, Votre bibliothèque
Mots-clés:Science fiction, action

Information sur l'oeuvre

The Enforcers: Freedom to Wield Will par Edmund Alexander Sims


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4 sur 4
Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
I received this book as an "early reviewer". It is book two in a series and of course I have not read book one, which makes it hard to understand what is going on in this book. It starts with snippets of text from book one and a number of quotes intended to set the scene. There are a number of characters which I assume one would be familiar from book one. Knowing nothing of the world makes it hard to get into the book. The setting seems to be that humans have colonized the universe(s) and settled on Second Earth. There are a number of factions fighting for power and a mysterious police (?) force called "The Enforcers" are at the center of it. They are superhero style fighters that battle other factions. Fights are described in detail which is good if you like to read this kind of violent laser action. Otherwise I think there are too many characters to get to know and the language is unnecessarily complex with long elaborate sentences constructed with the most difficult words. ( )
  stefant | May 4, 2024 |
Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.

I wish I could write a more thorough review, but I almost couldn't make it through this book. Other reviewers are correct, an editor is needed to smooth out some of the typos and transitions. The story-line would make a lot more sense if the action scenes and character monologues weren't so confusing; I did not like the overall setup, especially the length of time it actually took to get "involved" with the plot; not being interested until 100 pages in is a waste of reading time. Maybe if I read the author's other books I would enjoy this one more, but without a proofreader, I doubt it would make any difference. It needs more realistic dialogue and a different way of introducing characters. I liked the level of action and the details, but disliked most everything else.

Rating: Toe Tag (1.5/5)

*** I received this book from the author (LibraryThing Early Reviewers) in exchange for an honest and unbiased review. ( )
  Allizabeth | Jun 10, 2012 |
Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
I must agree with the other review, It was a difficult book to read.
When it came to action the book had plenty of it, however, the work up to the action was very confusing and hard to follow. I think this could be a very good book with different presentation. ( )
  roadway2000 | Jan 24, 2012 |
Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
I cannot recommend this book. I tried really hard to get through it because I won it through the Early Reviewers program, but I just couldn't finish it. I have not read any of the other books in this series, however I do not think that reading the previous books would make it any better.

The book does not appear to be proof-edited at all. There are ridiculous, redundant, run-on sentences, typos, and paragraphs that make no sense whatsoever. I couldn't follow any of the plot(s). The characters and dialog were ridiculous - instead of allowing the story to reveal the characters to you, the author tells you about the characters through their own inner monologues (i.e. Billy was very upset because he felt angry and so he hit the wall to vent his anger, blah, blah, blah). Also, when I read the epigraph of this book before requesting it - I was under the impression that "Sheol" was the main character of the book. However, you don't find out who the hell Sheol is until page 93!!!

The only cool thing about the book was the writing of the action sequences - they were written with such precise detail that it was very easy to picture what was happening. Really, this book is written a lot like a movie or a play script - just with crappy dialog.

Maybe folks who've read the previous books in this series will have a different opinion. ( )
  TheDeBruins | Dec 27, 2011 |
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A plot that unfolds does not necessarily mean that it has finished hatching
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The Fans.
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Convenience store air always seemed to be cooler - Vim Cobolgove thought.
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To live in the now ensures that the past never gets in the way and the future has less of a say.
-Head Doctor Karyn Jacob
Atro City Hospital/The Enforcers
Disengaging from an active detective role and stepping in to try and fill some big shoes of the commissioner role is quite sobering. I haven't taken a single sip of alcohol since taking over what amounts to be a support position. All of the Police Force may now depend on me, but my transition to leadership was met with nothing but their unyielding support.
-Acting Commissioner Pete Rogue
Second Earth Special Police Force
Antecedent leadership is no different than inconvenient leadership.
The Enforcers
People get too hung up on the shallow understanding that comes from supposedly being able to comprehend what is directly in front of their face. I've not only traversed but survived two universes, and I still haven't seen everything that there is to see, so there's always a possibility of my being wrong. Believing that I am always right will never be the cause of it though.
The Enforcers
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I've grown so much since the last time. Hi all - this is Sheol. Some of you may know me as a major character from this novel. Others of you may know of me as a result of vicious lies which have been spread around about me allegedly extorting the publisher of this book. In fact, I'll be talking with the creative director of Dope Enterprises about that press release and those status updates with the #help hashtag in short order. Anyway I've taken it upon myself to rename this entire series and have since retroactively included that first Criticality novel and this second novel as a part of my new True Hate Trilogy. I know - I know: This is supposed to be Acro's series, but your protagonist chooses to hide like a scared child instead of facing me like an adult. And that's fine. People will die. That's fine. Eventually your 'hero' will grow tired of using the rest of you as shields - that or, he'll run out of them. I certainly won't tire of taking you or anybody else in my way out until I get to him. Unless there's controversy, stupidity, or tragedy, people don't seem to want to get behind it, and I don't have a budget, so yes I guess it's going to be all of the above. Dope Enterprises Disclaimer: Dope Enterprises does not condone or endorse the hurtful tone and violent rhetoric from this description. The views expressed here are those of Sheol alone.

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Le livre The Enforcers: Freedom to Wield Will de Edmund Alexander Sims était disponible sur LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

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