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Titanic: Voices From the Disaster…

Titanic: Voices From the Disaster (Scholastic Focus) (édition 2014)

par Deborah Hopkinson (Auteur)

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7713530,222 (4.11)3
Tells the tale of the sinking of the Titanic using the narratives of the witnesses and survivors to the disaster.
Titre:Titanic: Voices From the Disaster (Scholastic Focus)
Auteurs:Deborah Hopkinson (Auteur)
Info:Scholastic Focus (2014), Edition: Reprint, 304 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

Titanic: Voices From the Disaster par Deborah Hopkinson


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» Voir aussi les 3 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 35 (suivant | tout afficher)
Utterly gripping account of the "real" happenings between setting sail and post disaster.

The survivors are introduced and woven throughout cohesively and dramatically. I highly recommend if you 1. are a reluctant non-fic reader or audiobook reader 2. drive a long distance too and from work 3. feel your knowledge of the events is lackluster 4. Love oral history and hearing retellings from the actual person/s involved in the tragedy 5. have no idea what to read next! ( )
  jstruzzi | Jan 14, 2022 |
Utterly gripping account of the "real" happenings between setting sail and post disaster.

The survivors are introduced and woven throughout cohesively and dramatically. I highly recommend if you 1. are a reluctant non-fic reader or audiobook reader 2. drive a long distance too and from work 3. feel your knowledge of the events is lackluster 4. Love oral history and hearing retellings from the actual person/s involved in the tragedy 5. have no idea what to read next! ( )
  jstruzzi | Jan 14, 2022 |
Titanic: Voices from the Disaster is a very good nonfiction book giving a voice to survivors of the Titanic disaster. Most accounts are very personal and filled with emotion. The appendix section at the back of the book sums up lots of information that is presented within the text. ( )
  ftbooklover | Oct 12, 2021 |
After reading The Watch that Ends the Night, my appetite was whetted for more Titanic info. This book takes a different approach, but is just as good. Again, this is geared toward kids, and really delves into detail, complete with pictures, diagrams and artifacts. Here all the accounts are nonfiction, but the book is constructed well and reads more like a story than a compendium. It also includes an epilogue on the finding of the Titanic in 1985 -- bringing the tale into more modern times. A lengthy section in the back includes a glossary, historical documents, statistics, and web links to survivor interviews, so worth it to keep reading after the "story" is finished. The overall sense of heartbreak is conveyed well, especially through the element of timing, though it is not a depressing read, just a poignant one. So many "if onlys!" This is a Caudill nominee for 2016 and would do well to win. ( )
  CarrieWuj | Oct 24, 2020 |
  lcslibrarian | Aug 13, 2020 |
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Deborah Hopkinsonauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Altschuler, PeterNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Bramhall, MarkNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé

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Tells the tale of the sinking of the Titanic using the narratives of the witnesses and survivors to the disaster.

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Moyenne: (4.11)
1.5 1
3 12
3.5 2
4 34
4.5 3
5 22

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