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The Gunfighters: How the West Was Won

par Bruce Wexler

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1211,660,891 (3.75)Aucun
"Of all the wild characters of the Western frontier, gunfighters were certainly the most feared and the most legendary. Was it their bizarre moral code, their depravity, their charisma and good looks, their temper, or their precise marksmanship that made them so memorable? The Gunfighters takes a closer look at the most famous Wild West gun slingers, such as Doc Holiday, Wyatt Earp, Jesse James, Billy the Kid, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, and Wild Bill Hickok. The book explores the truth and tall tales surrounding their lives, and the tools of the "shootist's" trade-some of the most iconic weapons ever discharged in the West"--Publisher description.… (plus d'informations)

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So many typos you have to wonder about the book in general. In addition, as with most writing on this topic it is hard to discern what is reality and what is legend. Most egregious are the contradictions found between the individual stories of the gunfighters. It appears that some of the stories are written by different authors. On the plus side (and wholly unexpected) are the wonderful pieces on the major firearms used during this period. ( )
  mpultroon | Nov 1, 2011 |
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"Of all the wild characters of the Western frontier, gunfighters were certainly the most feared and the most legendary. Was it their bizarre moral code, their depravity, their charisma and good looks, their temper, or their precise marksmanship that made them so memorable? The Gunfighters takes a closer look at the most famous Wild West gun slingers, such as Doc Holiday, Wyatt Earp, Jesse James, Billy the Kid, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, and Wild Bill Hickok. The book explores the truth and tall tales surrounding their lives, and the tools of the "shootist's" trade-some of the most iconic weapons ever discharged in the West"--Publisher description.

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