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A Confusion of Princes

par Garth Nix

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
6803934,693 (3.57)46
Science Fiction. Science Fiction & Fantasy. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:You’d think being a Prince in a vast intergalactic empire would be about as good as it gets. Particularly when Princes are faster, smarter, and stronger than normal humans. Not to mention being mostly immortal.

But it isn’t as great as it sounds. Princes need to be hard to kill—as Khemri learns the minute he becomes one—for they are always in danger. Their greatest threat? Other Princes. Every Prince wants to become Emperor, and the surest way to do so is to kill, dishonor, or sideline any potential competitor. There are rules, but as Khemri discovers, rules can be bent and even broken.

There are also mysteries. Khemri is drawn into the hidden workings of the Empire and is dispatched on a secret mission. In the ruins of space battle he meets a young woman, called Raine, who challenges his view of the Empire, of Princes, and of himself.

But Khemri is a Prince, and even if he wanted to leave the Empire behind, there are forces there that have very definite plans for his future. . . .
… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parbibliothèque privée, QuareMorito, Spellbreeze, jcm790, Bookladycma, rbussell, Katzenkindliest, teenybeanie25, jbryhan

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Khemri, isolé depuis son enfance, a été entrainé et modifié afin de devenir un prince de l’empire galactique, et, s’il est jugé qu’il le mérite, de pouvoir renaître. Mais il n’est pas le seul et une bataille larvée gronde entre les milliers de princes. Malgré les embûches, le héro mature et gravit les échelons jusqu’au moment où il se demande qui planifie son futur et dans quel but. Ce space opera raconte un passage à l’âge adulte ponctué d’action, de suspens et de rebondissements.
  alix6344a18 | Nov 29, 2018 |
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To ANNA, THOMAS, and EDWARD, and all my family and friends

and to

PHIL WALLACH, game designer and software engineer, and LES PETERSEN, illustrator and graphic designer, who with me worked on the online game Imperial Galaxy, which was based on this book well before I finished writing it
and also to

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I have died three times, and three times been reborn, though I am not yet twenty in the old Earth years by which it is still the fashion to measure time.
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Science Fiction. Science Fiction & Fantasy. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:You’d think being a Prince in a vast intergalactic empire would be about as good as it gets. Particularly when Princes are faster, smarter, and stronger than normal humans. Not to mention being mostly immortal.

But it isn’t as great as it sounds. Princes need to be hard to kill—as Khemri learns the minute he becomes one—for they are always in danger. Their greatest threat? Other Princes. Every Prince wants to become Emperor, and the surest way to do so is to kill, dishonor, or sideline any potential competitor. There are rules, but as Khemri discovers, rules can be bent and even broken.

There are also mysteries. Khemri is drawn into the hidden workings of the Empire and is dispatched on a secret mission. In the ruins of space battle he meets a young woman, called Raine, who challenges his view of the Empire, of Princes, and of himself.

But Khemri is a Prince, and even if he wanted to leave the Empire behind, there are forces there that have very definite plans for his future. . . .

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