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The Fragmentation of Afghanistan: State Formation and Collapse in the International System, Second Edition

par Barnett R. Rubin

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"This book examines Afghan society in conflict, from the 1978 communist coup to the tall of Najibullah, the Last Soviet-installed president, in 1992. This edition, newly revised by the author, reflects developments since then and includes material on the Taliban and Usama bin Laden. It is a book that now seems remarkably prescient.""Drawing on two decades of research, Barnett R. Rubin, a leading expert on Afghanistan, provides a fascinating account of the nature of the old regime, the rise and fall of the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan, and the troubled mujahidin resistance. He relates all these phenomena to international actors, showing how the interaction of U.S. policy and Pakistani and Saudi Arabian interests has helped to create the challenges of today. Rubin puts into context the continuing turmoil in Afghanistan and offers readers a coherent historical explanation for the country's social and political fragmentation."--Book jacket.… (plus d'informations)

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“Als de internationale gemeenschap geen manier vindt om Afghanistan opnieuw op te bouwen, dan zal een vloed aan wapens, geld en smokkelwaar de poreuze grenzen van die staat doorkruizen en de wereld voor iedereen onveilig maken.” Dat is de laatste zin van het boek van de Amerikaanse Afghanistan-kenner Barnett Rubin dat voor het eerst verscheen in 1995. De voorspelling dat Afghanistan een bron van onrust kan worden, is uitgekomen, hoewel Rubin in zijn rijtje rampen niet de fundamentalistische ideologie en de uitvalsbasis van terrorisme noemt. En het onheilspellende is dat zijn woorden eigenlijk nog steeds waar zijn. Lees verder....
  boekenstrijd | Mar 28, 2009 |
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"This book examines Afghan society in conflict, from the 1978 communist coup to the tall of Najibullah, the Last Soviet-installed president, in 1992. This edition, newly revised by the author, reflects developments since then and includes material on the Taliban and Usama bin Laden. It is a book that now seems remarkably prescient.""Drawing on two decades of research, Barnett R. Rubin, a leading expert on Afghanistan, provides a fascinating account of the nature of the old regime, the rise and fall of the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan, and the troubled mujahidin resistance. He relates all these phenomena to international actors, showing how the interaction of U.S. policy and Pakistani and Saudi Arabian interests has helped to create the challenges of today. Rubin puts into context the continuing turmoil in Afghanistan and offers readers a coherent historical explanation for the country's social and political fragmentation."--Book jacket.

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