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Goodnight iPad: a Parody for the next…

Goodnight iPad: a Parody for the next generation (original 2011; édition 2011)

par Ann Droyd

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5082449,992 (3.86)16
In the bright buzzing room, it is time to power down. Here is a modern bedtime story about bidding our gadgets goodnight. Don't worry, though. They'll be waiting for us, fully charged, in the morning.
Titre:Goodnight iPad: a Parody for the next generation
Auteurs:Ann Droyd
Info:Blue Rider Press (2011), Hardcover, 1 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque
Mots-clés:computer science, humor

Information sur l'oeuvre

Goodnight iPad: a Parody for the next generation par Ann Droyd (2011)


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Cute little parody of the original. ( )
  bloodravenlib | Aug 17, 2020 |
This was a fun parody that has already aged, but still stands up. I say aged because BlackBerry is a thing of the past. But I love that the kids are playing Angry Birds, and listening to Eminem. A great parody that is fun for anyone who might be a bit to addicted to their iPad. ( )
  LibrarianRyan | Jun 10, 2019 |
This book is funny and shows how this generation is. However, many of the words are hard to read and explain, so younger readers may not be able to understand. The illustrations are wonderful though! Also, I do not think this book is very good for building vocabulary because it just mentions mainstream terms like "LOL and eminem (the rapper)" I most likely would not use this book as a educational source..maybe for just a fun read to the class on the carpet. ( )
  ESTHERJANG | Nov 7, 2018 |
"Ann Droyd"? Seriously? :p

This could have been me! I mean, I'm always being told not to play on my iPad or surf on my laptop too late. I'm sure my younger brothers and sisters can also relate, even though I think they're part of the generation which hasn't been as well-exposed to the original Goodnight Moon. (I didn't grow up with it either. I just know about it because I minored in children's literature.) The references are hilarious (now), but can't help think in a few decades they'll be references as aged as Betamax, which I guess is part of what's funny about it. Soon we'll all be irate Grandmas, yelling at those kids and their droids to get off our holographic lawn. ( )
  mrsrobin | Jun 24, 2017 |
You could be reading, I dunno, The Velveteen Rabbit with your kid, remember that. This is one of those objects George Monbiot says "seem amusing on the first day of Christmas, daft on the second, embarrassing on the third. By the twelfth they’re in landfill," intended for "thirty seconds of dubious entertainment, or a hedonic stimulus that lasts no longer than a nicotine hit." ( )
2 voter MeditationesMartini | Jan 11, 2017 |
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In the bright buzzing room, it is time to power down. Here is a modern bedtime story about bidding our gadgets goodnight. Don't worry, though. They'll be waiting for us, fully charged, in the morning.

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