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Ma chienne Tulip (1956)

par J. R. Ackerley

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6222738,662 (3.53)71
Biography & Autobiography. Nonfiction. HTML:

Distinguished British man of letters J. R. Ackerley hardly thought himself a dog lover when, well into middle age, he came into possession of a German shepherd named Tulip. To his surprise, she turned out to be the love of his life, the "ideal friend" he had been seeking in vain for years. My Dog Tulip is a bittersweet retrospective account of their sixteen-year companionship, as well as a profound and subtle meditation on the strangeness that lies at the heart of all relationships. In vivid and sometimes startling detail, Ackerley tells of Tulip's often erratic behavior and very canine tastes and of his own fumbling but determined efforts to ensure for her an existence of perfect happiness.

My Dog Tulip has been adapted to screen as a major animated feature film with a cast that includes Christopher Plummer, Lynn Redgrave, and Isabella Rossellini. It has been heralded as "a stroke of genius" by New York Magazine and "the love story of the year" by Vanity Fair.

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» Voir aussi les 71 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 27 (suivant | tout afficher)
A really sweet love letter of a book from a man to his dog. I did learn more about the reproductive cycle of a female dog than expected. ( )
  decaturmamaof2 | Nov 22, 2023 |
first published in 1956
  betty_s | Oct 3, 2023 |
El excelente escritor británico J.R. Ackerley no se consideraba precisamente un amante de los perros cuando, ya en plena madurez, acabó siendo propietario de un pastor alemán. Él fue el primer sorprendido cuando se convirtió en el amor de su vida, el «amigo ideal» que había buscado en vano durante mucho tiempo. Mi perra Tulip es la agridulce historia retrospectiva de una amistad de dieciséis años, así como una profunda y sutil meditación sobre la extrañeza que anida en el fondo de todas las amistades. Con detalles vívidos y a veces asombrosos, Ackerley describe la imprevisible conducta deTulip y sus muy caninos gustos, mientras explica sus torpes pero decididos esfuerzos para hacerla completamente feliz.

«Aunque debe de haber pocos libros tan hermosos sobre la relación de un hombre con un perro, Mi perra Tulip no es en absoluto lo previsible en el género. Trata del amor perfecto, pero en sus propios términos; no habla de él, lo da por sentado, y se ocupa, casi del principio al fin, de un asunto que en general pasan por alto quienes escriben sobre sus perros: su vida sexual» (César Aira).

«Las descripciones de Tulip de Ackerley tienen el poder de sacudir nuestras ideas preconcebidas sobre los sentimientos de los perros, y sus relaciones con el hombre; y brillan con el destello de la compasión y el amor sentidos» (Michiko Kakutani, The New York Times).

«Una de las grandes obras maestras de la literatura de animales» (Christopher lsherwood).

«¿Quién iba a imaginar que las evacuaciones corporales, las glándulas anales congestionadas y la disfunción sexual de un perro normal y corriente podrían inspirar una historia tan delicada, tan sensible, tan entendible y tan pura y deliciosamente escrita que podría emular un soneto isabelino? Este librito ha merecido los elogios de gigantes literarios como Julian Huxley y E. M. Forster y sigue apareciendo en las listas de los mejores libros sobre animales y también en las listas de los mejores libros del siglo XX. Quien lea Mi perra Tulip no podrá olvidarlo» (Elisabeth Marshall Thomas).
  libreriarofer | Aug 6, 2023 |
I know this book is famous and has been around a long time, but I did not enjoy reading it. I think it was because of the owner's attitude, firmly rooted in a previous century. Or the writing style. Or both. ( )
  Cantsaywhy | May 24, 2023 |
Unintentionally (?) hilarious. Ackerley straddles the line between overly involved creep and truly devoted dog owner, with some passages rivalling Sade in their matter of fact grotesqueness (perhaps I have the uneducated aesthetic taste of a savage but extended sentences concerning an Alsatian’s vulva make me squirm and uncomfortably burst out laughing).

SPOILER: he doesn’t end up fucking his dog, much to my chagrin (someone I had spoken to intimated that such a thing occurred and attested to a controversial aura around this book that has since been proven entirely fictional — lying bastard). ( )
  theoaustin | May 19, 2023 |
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Ackerley, J. R.auteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Cosham, RalphNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Thomas, Elizabeth MarshallIntroductionauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé

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If you look like a wild beast, you are expected to behave like one.
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Biography & Autobiography. Nonfiction. HTML:

Distinguished British man of letters J. R. Ackerley hardly thought himself a dog lover when, well into middle age, he came into possession of a German shepherd named Tulip. To his surprise, she turned out to be the love of his life, the "ideal friend" he had been seeking in vain for years. My Dog Tulip is a bittersweet retrospective account of their sixteen-year companionship, as well as a profound and subtle meditation on the strangeness that lies at the heart of all relationships. In vivid and sometimes startling detail, Ackerley tells of Tulip's often erratic behavior and very canine tastes and of his own fumbling but determined efforts to ensure for her an existence of perfect happiness.

My Dog Tulip has been adapted to screen as a major animated feature film with a cast that includes Christopher Plummer, Lynn Redgrave, and Isabella Rossellini. It has been heralded as "a stroke of genius" by New York Magazine and "the love story of the year" by Vanity Fair.


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