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Let's Celebrate!: Festival Poems from Around the World

par Debjani Chatterjee

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2021,129,493 (5)Aucun
This exciting anthology of poems celebrates festivals all over the world. From Chinese New Year to Carnival, from Thanksgiving to Holi, and from Purnima to Diwali. with explanations of the festivals at the back of the book, and with colourful and atmospheric illustrations by Shirin Adl.

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Let's celebrate is a poetry book about different festivals around the world. The book shows poems about chinese new year, pancake day, carnivals, Holi, Easter, Christmas, and Hannuakah.
  chloethom1818 | Mar 24, 2016 |
This book is a collection of poems written by authors around the world. It is a great collection, including poems about many different holidays and traditions such as, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Christmas, Chinese New Year, Pancake Day, Ice Festivals, Carnivals, Purium, St. Patricks Day, Holi, Baisakhi or Valsakhi, The Cherry Blossom Festival, Easter, La Tomatina, Thanksgiving, and many more! There are so many different cultures and religions included in this book, that no student will feel left out by reading about holidays that they don't celebrate because it is not specific to any one culture, religion, country, etc. This is a great text if you are not allowed to teach about specific holidays, but can read these generalized poems that represent each holiday without specifically calling it that holiday. The illustrations are done so uniquely in that they look like they are a combination of textured papers, paintings, and drawings/cartoons. ( )
  DannieN | Nov 20, 2013 |
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This exciting anthology of poems celebrates festivals all over the world. From Chinese New Year to Carnival, from Thanksgiving to Holi, and from Purnima to Diwali. with explanations of the festivals at the back of the book, and with colourful and atmospheric illustrations by Shirin Adl.

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Classification décimale de Melvil (CDD)

394.2Social sciences Customs, Etiquette, Folklore General Customs Special Occasions

Classification de la Bibliothèque du Congrès


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