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Justice For Emily

par Sandy Wolters

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The Paranormal Romance Guild nominated Justice For Emily as one of 2011's best reads.Rachael Merchant is on a cross country trip running from the tragic images of her last case that are embedded deep in her soul. She is a City of Phoenix Homicide Detective that is trying to deal with the freak show her life has become.Three days ago, she was sitting in a hospital room with a man that had just murdered his three small children because he was angry his wife had left him. After making the arrest, she let the perpetrator know that when he got out of prison she was coming after him. He would not be able to hide from her. She left the hospital, went back to work and quit on the spot.After a great deal of persuading, her captain convinced her that an indefinite leave of absence was in order instead of quitting. She went home, packed her bags and jumped in the car. With no destination in mind, she just drove.Rachael found herself on the side of the road, unsure of where she was and on the phone with her partner. All she wanted to do was run as fast and as far as she could from the image of those three small babies with bullets in their bodies.Officer Patrick Sheehan pulls in front of Rachael while she is bent over the hood of her car looking at a map. He overhears the conversation between Rachael and her partner and thanks fate for dropping a homicide detective right in his lap. His good friend, Emily, was murdered just days ago and Patrick knows who killed her, her husband and his boss, the Chief of Police of Brownwood, Texas.Boyd Campbell has taken extreme measures to cover up his wife's murder but Patrick is going to do everything in his power to put this monster away. He doesn't care what he has to do or say to get this cop to stay and work this case. He needs her help and she is just going to have to deal with it. She could just blame fate for bringing her here when he needed her expertise. After all, the only important thing at the moment is getting Justice For Emily.… (plus d'informations)

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I started reading this book because I like the title. Yes, I am one of those people who will read a book because of the title or what the cover looks like. I know do not judge a book by its cover but sometimes that is very hard. In addition, an amazing title and catchy cover is what will sell a book. I have purchased many books by just looking at the cover or reading the title.

Please remember that the following review is my opinion about the book I read. This is my opinion and does not show how you or anyone else will understand the book. To form your own personal opinions please support the author and acquire your own legal copy of the book.

Patrick is an officer of the law in the small city of Brownwood, Texas. Patrick knows that his boss killed his wife but he just needs help in proving it. He asks his dead mother for help. Whether it is fate or something magical Rachael a prominent homicide detective from Phoenix show up, well she does not actually just show up. She is a little lost. While standing outside her vehicle with the map on the hood of her car while having her phone on speaker talking with her partner. Not just lost but also running, she is running away from her life for the moment. Rachael is fed up or just psychologically worn-out from her job.

While I really did like this book, I did not like that; I knew almost everything about the crime during the first two or three chapters of the book. However, that does not take away from the book. Throughout the book, there are new developments and further information that is exposed.

The characters are well-developed in this book with an appealing plot.

The bunnies and I give this book 4 Carrots. ( )
  kybunnies | Oct 19, 2014 |
Three and a half stars (rounded up for convenience).

This book is written a bit differently than your typical fictional murder story. From the beginning we know who the murderer is. We just need to prove it. This is pretty much where the story begins.

See more of my review here: ( )
  ABShepherd | May 15, 2013 |
Publisher: CreateSpace
Release Date: April 05, 2011
Pages: 224 pages (paperback)/291KB (e-book)
ISBN: 9781470017743 (paperback)
Genre: Paranormal Romance, Ghosts, Mystery & Suspense
Rating: 4 ½ stars

Brownwood, Texas
Patrick Sheehan is seen at a funeral for Emily Campbell. She was loved by so many people in this small town. She cared a lot about the town and the people that lived there. Boyd Campbell is Emily’s husband. Boyd is also Patrick’s boss and the Chief of Police.

Rachael Merchant knows Michael Rogers (read his story in “Maggie Mae”). She’s a homicide cop with some very special abilities that help her in her job. She ends up getting lost and lands in Brownwood. The action seems to start right after Patrick and Rachael meet. Patrick starts acting like a jealous boyfriend and Rachael thinks he’s crazy.

Sandy has given Patrick quite the ego. She’s also made Rachael a strong-willed woman. Patrick’s mother is a real “cracker jack” – she really loves her son. The three of them have you turning the pages just to see what will happen between them next. Sandy creates a morning after scene (not what you’re thinking) that has you chuckling and feeling sorry for Rachael at the same time.

This story focuses more on the unexplained. This gives a story to those feelings you sometimes have when you just can’t explain a happening that no one else sees or feels. It will keep you riveted until the mystery of Emily is solved – you will be hooked.

Because of the police being involved in this mystery, Sandy’s descriptions seem to be spot on. I felt like I was watching one of the crime shows on television. The detail she used – would love to know what type of research she did to be so accurate.

This is a story that I would love to see be made into a movie – definitely Lifetime material. They would have to include Rachael’s bird - would make a great “running gag” in the film. Sandy doesn’t make this a book about sex between Rachael and Patrick – even though their romance is sensual. This is a story about making sure that justice is served. And as you finish another great book from Sandy Wolters, please make sure to read the Author’s Notes at the end. ( )
  elylibrarysec | Mar 26, 2012 |
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The Paranormal Romance Guild nominated Justice For Emily as one of 2011's best reads.Rachael Merchant is on a cross country trip running from the tragic images of her last case that are embedded deep in her soul. She is a City of Phoenix Homicide Detective that is trying to deal with the freak show her life has become.Three days ago, she was sitting in a hospital room with a man that had just murdered his three small children because he was angry his wife had left him. After making the arrest, she let the perpetrator know that when he got out of prison she was coming after him. He would not be able to hide from her. She left the hospital, went back to work and quit on the spot.After a great deal of persuading, her captain convinced her that an indefinite leave of absence was in order instead of quitting. She went home, packed her bags and jumped in the car. With no destination in mind, she just drove.Rachael found herself on the side of the road, unsure of where she was and on the phone with her partner. All she wanted to do was run as fast and as far as she could from the image of those three small babies with bullets in their bodies.Officer Patrick Sheehan pulls in front of Rachael while she is bent over the hood of her car looking at a map. He overhears the conversation between Rachael and her partner and thanks fate for dropping a homicide detective right in his lap. His good friend, Emily, was murdered just days ago and Patrick knows who killed her, her husband and his boss, the Chief of Police of Brownwood, Texas.Boyd Campbell has taken extreme measures to cover up his wife's murder but Patrick is going to do everything in his power to put this monster away. He doesn't care what he has to do or say to get this cop to stay and work this case. He needs her help and she is just going to have to deal with it. She could just blame fate for bringing her here when he needed her expertise. After all, the only important thing at the moment is getting Justice For Emily.

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