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Divergente T.2 : L'insurrection (2013)

par Veronica Roth

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Séries: Divergent (2)

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16,708681313 (3.8)357
Un choix peut vous transformer - ou encore vous d?truire. Mais chaque choix comporte son lot de cons?quences, et alors qu'elle est entour?e d'une vague de m?contentement au sein des factions, Tris Prior doit encore essayer de sauver ceux qu'elle aime - ainsi qu'elle-m?me - tout en luttant contre des questions de douleur et de pardon, d'identit? et de loyaut?, de politique et d'amour. Le jour de l'initiation de Tris aurait d? ?tre marqu? par la c?l?bration et la victoire aupr?s de sa faction; au contraire, cette journ?e se termina par des horreurs indescriptibles. La guerre menace d'?clater alors que le conflit cro?t entre les factions aux id?ologies diff?rentes. Et en temps de guerre, les camps se forment, les secrets ?mergent, et les choix se font du plus en plus irr?vocables - et d'autant plus puissants. Transform?e par ses propres d?cisions, mais aussi rong?e par la douleur et le remords, des d?couvertes radicales et des relations changeantes, Tris devra embrasser pleinement sa Divergence, m?me si elle n'a pas conscience de ce qu'elle pourrait perdre en suivant cette voie.… (plus d'informations)
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» Voir aussi les 357 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 679 (suivant | tout afficher)
JG C10
  BellefaireJCB | Jul 11, 2024 |
Uma escolha pode te destruir Na Chicago futurista criada por Veronica Roth em Divergente, as facções estão desmoronando. E Beatrice Prior tem que arcar com as consequências de suas escolhas. Em Insurgente, a aguardada continuação da série de distopia que se tornou o novo fenômeno do disputado mercado Young Adult após Jogos Vorazes, a jovem Tris tenta salvar aqueles que ama – e a própria vida – enquanto lida com questões como mágoa e perdão, identidade e lealdade, política e amor. Com mais de 2,5 milhões de exemplares vendidos, Divergente é a próxima grande franquia da Lionsgate nos cinemas, com estreia prevista para março de 2014. A bem-sucedida trilogia de Veronica Roth é um best-seller da Veja.
  saladeleituraberna_ | Jul 3, 2024 |
{my thoughts} – This book left me in awe. I mean real awe. Tobias and Tris and their relationship is on the fritz. Caleb and Tris are learning the true meaning of Faction before Blood. Tris is still trying to work through the loss of her parents, Tobias is trying to learn how to accept his father being back in his life even if it isn’t a long term situation. We get to meet a lot of old characters and some new ones in this book. We also got to see what some of the main characters are really made up of and how well they can handle the situations that have been thrown at them. How well they can deal with the things that they are forced to deal with.

Tobias is a character that always wants to do what is right no matter what. He however always puts himself above others in some situations, it is how he has learned to survive. This is all a great part due to the turmoil his father had put him through as he was growing up. Tris acts and then thinks later. She has a lot of problems with thinking things through clearly. She may think she has thought it through but eventually she realized some of her choices could have used a lot more thought then what she had put towards them. Caleb is a whole different category. He thinks things through rationally and then acts on the best case scenario even if it means he has to hurt people that love him and or have cared for him in the present and past. I want to say there is hope for him but I am unsure at the current time.

I am always skeptical about reading the next book in a series when I fall in love with the very first book in the series. I must say I was not disappointed at all. This book was exactly perfect and I couldn’t have asked for more. It was well written, the story flowed seamlessly and I just all and all enjoyed every bit of it. I look forward to reading book three, well starting it as soon as I post this! ( )
  Zapkode | Jun 1, 2024 |
{my thoughts} – This book left me in awe. I mean real awe. Tobias and Tris and their relationship is on the fritz. Caleb and Tris are learning the true meaning of Faction before Blood. Tris is still trying to work through the loss of her parents, Tobias is trying to learn how to accept his father being back in his life even if it isn’t a long term situation. We get to meet a lot of old characters and some new ones in this book. We also got to see what some of the main characters are really made up of and how well they can handle the situations that have been thrown at them. How well they can deal with the things that they are forced to deal with.

Tobias is a character that always wants to do what is right no matter what. He however always puts himself above others in some situations, it is how he has learned to survive. This is all a great part due to the turmoil his father had put him through as he was growing up. Tris acts and then thinks later. She has a lot of problems with thinking things through clearly. She may think she has thought it through but eventually she realized some of her choices could have used a lot more thought then what she had put towards them. Caleb is a whole different category. He thinks things through rationally and then acts on the best case scenario even if it means he has to hurt people that love him and or have cared for him in the present and past. I want to say there is hope for him but I am unsure at the current time.

I am always skeptical about reading the next book in a series when I fall in love with the very first book in the series. I must say I was not disappointed at all. This book was exactly perfect and I couldn’t have asked for more. It was well written, the story flowed seamlessly and I just all and all enjoyed every bit of it. I look forward to reading book three, well starting it as soon as I post this! ( )
  CrimsonSoul | Jun 1, 2024 |
I've been putting off reading this one, though now I kind of wish that I had waited a few more months. This book wasn't the least bit of what I expected it to be.I wasn't hooked like I was with Divergent and I actually started reading another book halfway through this one. I'm waiting till the next book is released, hopefully everything will be wrapped up and I can say that the trilogy was a great one, minus this one book! ( )
  chaoticmel | May 18, 2024 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 679 (suivant | tout afficher)
I won't write a spoiler here, but Veronica Roth really has a way of wrapping up the end of the story while leaving the reader gasping at the revelation, and desperate to read more.

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Veronica Rothauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Galvin, EmmaNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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Like a wild animal, the truth is too powerful to remain caged.

-From the Candor faction manifesto
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To Nelson,

who was worth every risk
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I wake with his name in my mouth.
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Wikipédia en anglais (3)

Un choix peut vous transformer - ou encore vous d?truire. Mais chaque choix comporte son lot de cons?quences, et alors qu'elle est entour?e d'une vague de m?contentement au sein des factions, Tris Prior doit encore essayer de sauver ceux qu'elle aime - ainsi qu'elle-m?me - tout en luttant contre des questions de douleur et de pardon, d'identit? et de loyaut?, de politique et d'amour. Le jour de l'initiation de Tris aurait d? ?tre marqu? par la c?l?bration et la victoire aupr?s de sa faction; au contraire, cette journ?e se termina par des horreurs indescriptibles. La guerre menace d'?clater alors que le conflit cro?t entre les factions aux id?ologies diff?rentes. Et en temps de guerre, les camps se forment, les secrets ?mergent, et les choix se font du plus en plus irr?vocables - et d'autant plus puissants. Transform?e par ses propres d?cisions, mais aussi rong?e par la douleur et le remords, des d?couvertes radicales et des relations changeantes, Tris devra embrasser pleinement sa Divergence, m?me si elle n'a pas conscience de ce qu'elle pourrait perdre en suivant cette voie.

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