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Mother Teresa (Lives and Times)

par John Barraclough

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Presents the life and times of the nun who founded the Order of the Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta, won the Nobel Peace Prize, and dedicated her life to helping the destitute.

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Summary:I Can Lick 30 Tigers Today has 3 Dr. Seuss short stories. The first is about a boy that decides to tangle with a bunch of tigers but eventually gives up and decides to tackle the tigers after a lunch break. The next story is about a king cat the must have his tail carried so that it never drags the ground. It becomes quite an ordeal when none of the cats in the town can have their tails dragging. The last story is about a young girl that spends a lot of time thinking. One evening, she thinks up a terrible "Glunk" that causes her a lot of trouble.

Personal Reaction: I've never met a Dr. Seuss book that I didn't like! This might be one of my favorites though! It's three stories in one!! I love the rhyme and rhythm of these stories. It is so fun to read them to aloud to one or a group. You can really dive into the story and become the silly characters.

Extension Idea:
Each child should choose another Dr. Seuss from the school's library. Every student should read the story and then share them with each other. Have them illustrate a book cover for the Dr. Seuss book that they chose.

Write your own rhymes like Dr. Seuss. Be sure to use creative characters and events just like the author of this book does. Take your time illustrating and being creative. ( )
  ss116531 | Nov 19, 2013 |
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Presents the life and times of the nun who founded the Order of the Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta, won the Nobel Peace Prize, and dedicated her life to helping the destitute.

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