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Playback: A Graphic Novel

par Ted Benoit, Francois Ayroles (Illustrateur)

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533502,248 (2.92)3
Marlowe is hired by an influential lawyer he's never herd of to tail a gorgeous redhead, but decides he prefers to help out the redhead. She's been acquitted of her alcoholic husband's murder, but her father-in-law prefers not to take the court's word for it. "Chandler wrote like a slumming angel and invested the sun-blinded streets of Los Angeles with a romantic presence:" -- Ross Macdonald… (plus d'informations)

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3 sur 3
Neither the story nor artwork was anything terrific. ( )
  kvrfan | Apr 25, 2015 |
This is a graphic adaptation of Chandler's hardboiled novel about a dame seeking to make a fresh start after she's been acquitted from her husband's murder, while her father-in-law has sworn that she will be made to pay. On the train to Vancouver, she's accosted by a playboy who offers to put her up at the luxury hotel he's staying in. They attend a party at the penthouse suite where the playboy gets stinking drunk and makes inappropriate advances on our gal, who next finds his dead body on the terrace outside her room.

It's an ok story, and while at first glance I thought the illustrations seemed interesting, I soon changed my mind when I found that most of them were average at best, when not downright disappointing. Can't say I recommend this one. ( )
1 voter Smiler69 | May 9, 2011 |
Raymond Chandler was a huge star in the world of noir. His books and screenplays rose above a sea of pulp and continue to attract readers today. “Playback” was a screenplay he worked on for years, tweaking and re-tooling it several times. Partly due to film studio politics, and largely due to Chandler’s curmudgeonly behavior, “Playback” never made its way to the silver screen. Instead, it sat moldering in a studio vault until a few years ago, when Ted Benoit and Francois Ayroles turned it into this graphic novel.
“Playback” was not Chandler’s best, but it’s still recognizable as his work. The artists have done an interesting thing here in producing graphic work that closely resembles that of Chandler’s era. It makes heavy use of bold lines and shies away from half-tones. The result is a fun and witty read from a master of the genre to which the graphic novel owes so much. Without noir, there’s a good chance the comic book wouldn’t have caught on, and the later graphic novels wouldn’t have come about at all. The influence of noir can often be seen in the style of a huge portion of graphic novels as well, in the form of witty, fast-paced dialogue, questionable heroes, and general grittiness.
Sure, there are better graphic novels than “Playback,” but few are so grounded in the format’s roots. This is also a book that might find an audience in those who don’t normally read graphic novels.
  TPLThing | Nov 27, 2006 |
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Benoit, Tedauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Ayroles, FrancoisIllustrateurauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé

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Marlowe is hired by an influential lawyer he's never herd of to tail a gorgeous redhead, but decides he prefers to help out the redhead. She's been acquitted of her alcoholic husband's murder, but her father-in-law prefers not to take the court's word for it. "Chandler wrote like a slumming angel and invested the sun-blinded streets of Los Angeles with a romantic presence:" -- Ross Macdonald

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