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Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon (Shinsoban), Vol. 5 (2003)

par Naoko Takeuchi

Séries: Sailor Moon (5)

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580942,059 (4.11)8
Chibi-Usa gets sucked into the far reaches of space-time and vanishes! It's up to Tuxedo Mask to reach her and get her back safely while Sailor Moon and the others must escape Nemesis and the evil clutches of Wiseman and his cronies. But as Tuxedo Mask travels through the space-time storm, he encounters an ominous woman claiming to be his daughter! Who is this strange woman? Is she really Chibi-Usa?!… (plus d'informations)

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First things first: I got one of those crappily edited volumes from Kodansha USA with the smudging and heavy printing, but I don't have my receipt so good luck returning it for me. Seriously, where the hell is the quality control that such obvious errors can slip under the radar? JFC.

Complaints about printing aside, this is easily the strongest volume of the series so far as it brings the dramatic conclusion to the 'R' story arc. Yes, a few plot threads are wrapped up almost too nicely at the end, but this is a mahou shojo manga after all. But this is a volume about Usagi's strength and Chibiusa's growth, and in the end these two ideas work together to bring down the Death Phantom (err, 'Wiseman' to dub fans) and save the Earth from a toxic death.

Warning: Scenes with Dark!Chibiusa and Brainwashed!Mamoru can get quite questionable at times, so if you're triggered by incest, feel free to skip those panels. ( )
  sarahlh | Mar 6, 2021 |
This book had the ending of the second series. Now I am all caught up with the books that have currently been I have to wait for the others. ( )
  BelindaS7 | Apr 14, 2020 |
Volume 5 is such a good issue, so much happens to the Sailor Scouts and we get to see how awesome Sailor Pluto truly is and a different version of Small Lady. It's an emotional volume and satisfying conclusion to the Black Moon arc. ( )
  wellreadcatlady | Oct 4, 2018 |
Nice resolution to the storyline. I cannot wait to see what the next one will lead our heroines. ( )
  ThothJ | Dec 4, 2015 |
Nice resolution to the storyline. I cannot wait to see what the next one will lead our heroines. ( )
  ThothJ | Dec 4, 2015 |
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. . . Now . . . Come to me, and take my hand.
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Do not combine the original print with the shinsouban. The original print for Sailor Moon has 18 volumes and the reprints (shinsouban: 新装版) have the chapters regrouped to complete in 12 volumes. Volume 5 for the original print contains Acts 17-19, while Volume 5 for the shinsouban contains Acts 22-26.
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Wikipédia en anglais (1)

Chibi-Usa gets sucked into the far reaches of space-time and vanishes! It's up to Tuxedo Mask to reach her and get her back safely while Sailor Moon and the others must escape Nemesis and the evil clutches of Wiseman and his cronies. But as Tuxedo Mask travels through the space-time storm, he encounters an ominous woman claiming to be his daughter! Who is this strange woman? Is she really Chibi-Usa?!

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2 3
3 15
3.5 5
4 33
5 33

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