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Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon (Shinsoban), Vol. 7 (2004)

par Naoko Takeuchi

Séries: Sailor Moon (7)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
491551,164 (4.21)4
"Old friends and new enemies lurk in the mysteries surrounding Mugen Academe. The Death Busters crave the Hoste, the human energies, of Sailor Moon and her friends -- and they'll prey on the girls' dreams and weaknesses to get it! Furthermore, prophetic dreams hint of 'talismans' that could awaken a 'Deity of Destruction.' Could these things be connected to the guardians' power? And are the Sailor Senshi capable of murdering the innocent to save the entire world?" -- from publisher's wed site.… (plus d'informations)

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Book Review:
Book Title: Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon, Volume 7
Book Author: Naoko Takeuchi

Introduction: I have always loved Sailor Moon, so when my local bookstore got a majority of the Pretty Guardian manga series I had to pick it up and read it! This is a great throw back to my childhood!


Number seven in this series slows down a little in pace until the Sailor Moon power-up. While it is a slower volume, the artwork is still fantastic, and the manga is still cute, fun and fabulous! I definitely would not consider putting this series down even though the pace is slower.

This part of the arc is still a great continuation. The characters are still being built upon, the action is still interesting and the covers are absolutely gorgeous.

If anything, I am excited to see more of the characters be introduced in this series. I can't exactly find anything wrong to force me to put these down and start another manga. This author knows what the readers want, and that makes this manga so much better than expected.

This series focuses on friendships, magic, teamwork and family. While there are some darker elements to the story (such as Sailor Saturn's personality) it helps make the story not to light. It's a great series of opposite elements. The love and compassion in this story mixed with the evil and death make it a great story full of thought and problem solving.

Overall, I loved it. I can't wait to pick up the next in this series! The battling elements and steady paces make the readers gravitate towards this story continuously, and that makes it an excellent series of manga.

Five out of five stars. ( )
  Briars_Reviews | Aug 4, 2023 |

Excellent continuation of the story. We learn more about Sailors Uranus, Neptune and Pluto (who are my favorite Sailor Guardians) and we learn the identity of Sailor Saturn and how and when she appears. I can't wait until the next book comes out at the end of October! ( )
  BelindaS7 | Apr 14, 2020 |
Action and drama and reveals! This story means so much to me each time I consume it. ( )
  emeraldreverie | Nov 15, 2018 |
So now everyone knows who everyone is, but they still don't want to work together until they absolutely have to and when they do its amazing! This volume is setting up the pieces for something bigger, but it is doing so with lots of reveals and action. ( )
  wellreadcatlady | Oct 4, 2018 |
Vedi numero 1 ( )
  QPhoenix | Apr 30, 2013 |
5 sur 5
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Hmm... This region is definitely giving off abnormal readings, but...don't you think you're jumping to conclusions, Meio?
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Do not combine the original print with the shinsouban. The original print for Sailor Moon has 18 volumes and the reprints (shinsouban: 新装版) have the chapters regrouped to complete in 12 volumes. Volume 7 for the original print contains Acts 23-24, while Volume 7 for the shinsouban contains Acts 31-35.
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Wikipédia en anglais (1)

"Old friends and new enemies lurk in the mysteries surrounding Mugen Academe. The Death Busters crave the Hoste, the human energies, of Sailor Moon and her friends -- and they'll prey on the girls' dreams and weaknesses to get it! Furthermore, prophetic dreams hint of 'talismans' that could awaken a 'Deity of Destruction.' Could these things be connected to the guardians' power? And are the Sailor Senshi capable of murdering the innocent to save the entire world?" -- from publisher's wed site.

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