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Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon (Shinsoban), Vol. 1 (2003)

par Naoko Takeuchi

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Séries: Sailor Moon (1)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
1,0543419,888 (4.1)17
"Usagi Tsukino is a normal girl until she meets up with Luna, a talking cat, who tells her that she is Sailor Moon. As Sailor Moon, Usagi must fight evils and enforce justice, in the name of the Moon and the mysterious Moon Princess. She meets other girls destined to be Sailor Senshi (Sailor Scouts), and together, they fight the forces of evil!"--Provided by publisher.… (plus d'informations)

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» Voir aussi les 17 mentions

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I had a tough time remembering to read this in the proper direction. No problem with the direction to turn the pages, more with the direction to read the pages! ( )
  bookczuk | Jul 15, 2024 |
Such a cute walk down memory lane, I felt like a child again. Silly, ridiculous story, pretty pictures, I enjoyed it very much. ( )
  Donderowicz | Mar 12, 2024 |
When I was younger, probably around 3rd grade or so, I would wake up every morning before school and watch an episode of Sailor Moon. I loved the Sailor Scouts and even after all these years I can still sing the theme song word for word. My very first OTP pairing was Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask( this was before OTP was even a thing) and I always wanted a talking black cat named Luna. However, can you believe I never read a single manga book? Well I finally rectified that (although it has taken way too many years, that I don't even want to count)

Never I've never reviewed a Manga before (that doesn't meant I haven't read one), in saying this I ask you to please be kind about this review. Hopefully as I read more Manga and review more books (and graphic novels and comic books which I plan to review as well) I'll get better about these reviews. First off I'm super surprised at how well the art in the books have held you, you could hardly tell that these books are almost 25 years old (please don't think about how old that would make me considering). The artwork was really well done.

Secondly it took some getting used to, to read right to left. I was a little confused at first but I eventually got the hang of it. Usagi (Sailor Moon) is a bit of a crybaby and immature but considering she is only 14 (younger than I remember her being) it actually makes sense. The manga is separated into different acts which actually made it easier to read for me (and made for good stopping points if I had to). These books are definitely made for younger girls but I really enjoyed it, however I am saying that I may be a little biased since nostalgia and all. I even have Artemis shoes. ( )
  latteslipsticklit | Nov 16, 2023 |
Well, I have been trying to get around to reading this book for incredibly too long. I would always get it from the library and either never have time to read it or else would only get around to reading the first bit of it and then have to turn it back in. I can now proudly say that I have conquered reading this manga! Once I got into it, it really wasn't a long read, though I would say it took longer than a lot of other mangas I have read, and may have a bit more dialogue involved.

There is some cheesiness to it, which of course is reflective in the show and movies as well, particularly of some of the "moves" and the villains. However, it is a fun read just as it is a fun show. I loved being introduced to all the sailors so far, Sailor V being the only one not to show up yet. I love each of the sailor's unique personalities (Mercury is my favorite) and I love Tuxedo Mask and the mystery and intrigue involving his and the others' dreams which are slowly trying to reconnect them to their previous lives. ( )
  rianainthestacks | Nov 5, 2023 |
I just want to read a manga series dedicated to Sailor Mars because I like her the most out of all the guardians. Maybe it's because we are both Aries? I do not know why Usagi is the leader. I won't be continuing this series. Artwork is awesome though. ( )
  Koralis | Jul 13, 2023 |
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Naoko Takeuchiauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Flanagan, WilliamTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé

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Do not combine the original print with the shinsouban. The original print for Sailor Moon has 18 volumes and the reprints (shinsouban: 新装版) have the chapters regrouped to complete in 12 volumes. Volume 1 for the original print contains Acts 1-5, while Volume 1 for the shinsouban contains Acts 1-6.
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"Usagi Tsukino is a normal girl until she meets up with Luna, a talking cat, who tells her that she is Sailor Moon. As Sailor Moon, Usagi must fight evils and enforce justice, in the name of the Moon and the mysterious Moon Princess. She meets other girls destined to be Sailor Senshi (Sailor Scouts), and together, they fight the forces of evil!"--Provided by publisher.

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Moyenne: (4.1)
2 10
2.5 1
3 36
3.5 9
4 68
4.5 3
5 82

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