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Crucible of Gold: Book Seven of Temeraire…

Crucible of Gold: Book Seven of Temeraire (original 2012; édition 2022)

par Naomi Novik (Auteur)

Séries: Téméraire (7)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
1,3377414,788 (3.73)102
"Naomi Novik's beloved series returns, with Capt. Will Laurence and his fighting dragon Temeraire once again taking to the air against the broadsides of Napoleon's forces and the friendly--and sometimes not-so-friendly--fire of British soldiers and politicians who continue to suspect them of divided loyalties, if not outright treason. For Laurence and Temeraire, put out to pasture in Australia, it seems their part in the war has come to an end just when they are needed most. Newly allied with the powerful African empire of the Tswana, the French have occupied Spain and brought revolution and bloodshed to Brazil, threatening Britain's last desperate hope to defeat Napoleon. So the British government dispatches Arthur Hammond from China to enlist Laurence and Temeraire to negotiate a peace with the angry Tswana, who have besieged the Portuguese royal family in Rio--and as bait, Hammond bears an offer to reinstate Laurence to his former rank and seniority as a captain in the Aerial Corps. Temeraire is delighted by this sudden reversal of fortune, but Laurence is by no means sanguine, knowing from experience that personal honor and duty to one's country do not always run on parallel tracks. Laurence and Temeraire--joined by the egotistical fire-breather Iskierka and the still-growing Kulingile, who has already surpassed Temeraire in size--embark for Brazil, only to meet with a string of unmitigated disasters that leave the dragons and their human friends forced to make an unexpected landing in the hostile territory of the Inca empire, where they face new unanticipated dangers. Now with the success of the mission balanced on a razor's edge, and failure looking more likely by the minute, the unexpected arrival of an old enemy will tip the scales toward ruin. Yet even in the midst of disaster, opportunity may lurk--for one bold enough to grasp it"--Provided by publisher.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Crucible of Gold: Book Seven of Temeraire
Auteurs:Naomi Novik (Auteur)
Info:Del Rey (2022), 352 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

Le trésor des Incas par Naomi Novik (2012)


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» Voir aussi les 102 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 76 (suivant | tout afficher)
Hmmm... Others have outlined the storyline for Crucible of Gold (Temeraire, #7), so just voicing an opinion, (and try to avoid spoilers) here. The writing is as always excellent, but I didn't like this book as I've enjoyed those those earlier the series. The tale is a bit over chocked with characters, and some of the least appealing hold the forefront. (I'm quite sick of Iskierka). There seems to be rather a lot going on in just one story. (characters and situations from previous books in the series are drawn in, but in a bit of a jumble. Events, and characters pop up quickly and with an odd lack of cohesion.

We start in Australia and end in Brazil, via Peru. During which travels misdeeds, misadventure and petty squabbles drive the action: with much attendant disaster, loss and mayhem in between. This novel almost seems an author's rushed and intermediary step: used to move the cast from one place to another when there's not an otherwise meaningful excuse for them to end up where she means them to do.

I'm disappointed in Crucible of Gold. Yet,I still have faith in Naomi Novik as a writer. So I will anxiously await the next book in this series with hopes that novel will find Laurence, Temeraire, and the narrative in much better circumstances - such as going back to actively fighting the Napoleonic war... ( )
  djambruso | Feb 23, 2024 |
Enjoyable, but hits a lot of the same beats. The dragons'attitudes tend to be very juvenile, while at the same time they're supposed to be very intelligent, which becomes a little frustrating. I'll keep reading, since I'm so close to the end of the series ( )
  mikedowd | Oct 1, 2023 |

Naomi Novik - Crucible of Gold: The last continent, thank heavens. Also, plague and betrayal and interesting new clothes. #cursorybookreviews #cursoryreviews ( )
  khage | May 14, 2023 |
There are so many things to love about this series-the wonderful characters, the battles, the adventures at sea, the relationships, the humor- Naomi Novik is just great. She not only beautifully pulls off the incorporation of dragons into the Napoleonic Wars, but the portrayal of them in many different cultures. The South American culture of dragons and their relationship to humans was wonderful new facet to Novik’s world that was introduced in this 7th Temeraire book.

No complaints here-like the Dresden Files, this series is consistently good and doesn’t seem to be slowing down. Just one burning question, though. Does Iskierka have an egg or not?
( )
  Harks | Dec 17, 2022 |
Tried to like it as much as the first books of the series, but this one was just okay. It took me a while to get into it and when I finally did, I kept finding reasons to put it down. I really wanted to love it. Guess I'm just Temeraired out.

I received this book in a giveaway from the Goodread’s First Reads program. ( )
  DebCushman | Aug 25, 2022 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 76 (suivant | tout afficher)
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To Betsy Mitchell, editor extraordinaire, who gave Temperature his wings
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Arthur Hammond prided himself on a certain degree of insensibility in the cause of duty - an indifference to physical discomfort and even to social awkwardness - a squelching of the natural repugnances, when these should interfere with the progress of a diplomatic mission.
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Wikipédia en anglais (2)

"Naomi Novik's beloved series returns, with Capt. Will Laurence and his fighting dragon Temeraire once again taking to the air against the broadsides of Napoleon's forces and the friendly--and sometimes not-so-friendly--fire of British soldiers and politicians who continue to suspect them of divided loyalties, if not outright treason. For Laurence and Temeraire, put out to pasture in Australia, it seems their part in the war has come to an end just when they are needed most. Newly allied with the powerful African empire of the Tswana, the French have occupied Spain and brought revolution and bloodshed to Brazil, threatening Britain's last desperate hope to defeat Napoleon. So the British government dispatches Arthur Hammond from China to enlist Laurence and Temeraire to negotiate a peace with the angry Tswana, who have besieged the Portuguese royal family in Rio--and as bait, Hammond bears an offer to reinstate Laurence to his former rank and seniority as a captain in the Aerial Corps. Temeraire is delighted by this sudden reversal of fortune, but Laurence is by no means sanguine, knowing from experience that personal honor and duty to one's country do not always run on parallel tracks. Laurence and Temeraire--joined by the egotistical fire-breather Iskierka and the still-growing Kulingile, who has already surpassed Temeraire in size--embark for Brazil, only to meet with a string of unmitigated disasters that leave the dragons and their human friends forced to make an unexpected landing in the hostile territory of the Inca empire, where they face new unanticipated dangers. Now with the success of the mission balanced on a razor's edge, and failure looking more likely by the minute, the unexpected arrival of an old enemy will tip the scales toward ruin. Yet even in the midst of disaster, opportunity may lurk--for one bold enough to grasp it"--Provided by publisher.

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2 17
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3 91
3.5 38
4 143
4.5 16
5 50


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