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TSF Monogatari

par Shindo L

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As Takumi Musashino lay in his hospital bed, with his body being consumed by cancer and his doctors giving up on him, he knew that his life was coming to an end. At the last minute, a mysterious woman appears with an experimental treatment promising a miracle cure, but warns there might be some side effects. Though the treatment cures him of his cancer, his body continues to change until Takumi has become a full-fledged woman! Takumi hoped the cure would allow them to live a normal life again, but not only has their body changed, their relationship with friends and classmates are now different. With every guy giving them weird looks and wanting to touch their new body, can Takumi navigate their new life as an average woman?… (plus d'informations)

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絵柄は何かに似ているよなーと思ってウンウンうなっていましたが、リボーンの人に似ていると気づき、ちょっとスッキリしました。 ( )
  ramblelazy | Sep 10, 2011 |
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As Takumi Musashino lay in his hospital bed, with his body being consumed by cancer and his doctors giving up on him, he knew that his life was coming to an end. At the last minute, a mysterious woman appears with an experimental treatment promising a miracle cure, but warns there might be some side effects. Though the treatment cures him of his cancer, his body continues to change until Takumi has become a full-fledged woman! Takumi hoped the cure would allow them to live a normal life again, but not only has their body changed, their relationship with friends and classmates are now different. With every guy giving them weird looks and wanting to touch their new body, can Takumi navigate their new life as an average woman?

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