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Cave, Refectory, Road: Monastic Rhythms for Contemporary Living

par Ian Adams

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421615,295 (3)1
A new mode of Christian living is springing to life as groups of individuals and families living in the same geographic area or connected virtually share a simple rule of life. Cave, Refectory, Road explores how traditional monastic life is helping to shape a new flowering of Christian community today. It traces the roots of "new monasticism" and draws on the classic elements of monastic life to suggest how this ancient wisdom, learning, and spiritual practice might be reinterpreted for new settings. A handbook for all who are exploring "intentional living," its rich and inspiring teaching is clustered around three themes:     The cave: the place of stillness, prayer, and withdrawal that can inspire a new engagement with the mystery of God     The refectory: how manastic practices of hospitality can create communities that make a difference in the world     The road: how the example of the friars can lead to creative and loving engagement with public life… (plus d'informations)

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from my professors of the Mission Shaped Ministry course:

In Cave Refectory Road, Ian Adams has produced a book that can be guaranteed to open up new vistas for anyone searching for an authentic spirituality that will make sense in the context of today’s 24/7 world. By combining threads of wisdom long forgotten or overlooked and showing how they can be interwoven so as to offer fresh insights into our everyday challenges, Ian has crafted a rich tapestry of scriptural and historic patterns for living that will be both empowering and sustaining.
- John & Olive Drane, authors, Visiting Fellows of St John's College, University of Durham

Ian skilfully opens up the Christian contemplative tradition as received from the monastics and friars in a grounded and accessible way for today's spiritual seeker. In an age when many are spiritually hungry, Ian opens up the Christian tradition in a way that is dynamically spiritual and authentically religious. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is seeking to establish a deep Christian faith and practice that can thrive in the complexity of the modern world.
- Ian Mobsby, New Monastic, author and Priest Missioner to the Moot Community, London
  FHC | Jun 13, 2013 |
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A new mode of Christian living is springing to life as groups of individuals and families living in the same geographic area or connected virtually share a simple rule of life. Cave, Refectory, Road explores how traditional monastic life is helping to shape a new flowering of Christian community today. It traces the roots of "new monasticism" and draws on the classic elements of monastic life to suggest how this ancient wisdom, learning, and spiritual practice might be reinterpreted for new settings. A handbook for all who are exploring "intentional living," its rich and inspiring teaching is clustered around three themes:     The cave: the place of stillness, prayer, and withdrawal that can inspire a new engagement with the mystery of God     The refectory: how manastic practices of hospitality can create communities that make a difference in the world     The road: how the example of the friars can lead to creative and loving engagement with public life

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