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The Starlight Rite

par Cherise Sinclair

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Her voice is famous throughout the galaxy; her face is completely unknown.Fleeing her monstrous husband back on puritanical Earth and the police assassins he's hired, singer Mella Archer becomes stranded on the frontier planet of Nexus. Desperate to survive, she picks the wrong target--Dain, the head of planetary security.Dain is amused by the attempted theft, and when Mella is sentenced to serve time indentured as a bedroom slave, he buys her contract. As he introduces the repressed Earther to the pleasures of sex with a dominating warrior, he slowly comes to realize that the little thief has stolen his heart.When the monster arrives on Nexus and has lunch with Dain, Mella is panic-stricken. Her owner must be part of the conspiracy to kill her, and it will only be a matter of time before the monster discovers that she's still alive. She attempts to escape. She fails. Embittered by her lies and mistrust, Dain returns her to Indenture Hall to be sold again.Now the monster has found her. And she has nowhere left to run...… (plus d'informations)

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5 sur 5
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The Starlight Rite is a sci fi erotic romance from Cherise Sincliar. This is also my first Sinclair and it was intriguing. I didn't know this was a erotic romance though or I might have picked something else but the set up of the story really pulled me into it pretty quickly. I really love the setups of the heroine being caught doing something and having to do some sort of indentured servitude. Now granted she was in a bad situation and on the run and I understood her first. Now I was under the impression that this one was just a regular sci fi romance and not a erotic romance. But the steam in this book isn't even the reason why it was such a low rating. I wanted to love this one but the way these two acted around each other in the third act was just ridiculous. So much drama and I just couldn't get behind the reasoning the heroine had to not telling the hero the truth. I get that she was afraid, but what does she have to lose? She felt so wish washy to me. and while I wish my first try of this author had gone better (but this doesn't mean I won't try her again) it does make me apprehensive to try her again. So while it had some cool factors to the story, there were just some aspects to the story that were just annoying and I wasn't a fan of. ( )
  addictofromance | Jul 20, 2024 |
Sci Fi Romance. Singer Mella Archer runs from her husband and the assassins he's hired. Stranded on frontier planet Nexus she tries to steal from Dain, head of planetary security. Mella is sentenced to serve time indentured as a bedroom slave and he buys her contract. BDSM bits and pieces then her husband catches up and she tries to escape. Embittered by her lies and mistrust, Dain returns her to Indenture Hall to be sold again. OK
( )
  C4RO | Jun 1, 2015 |
I was a little dubious when starting reading this book. I adore Cherise Sinclairs work but this I thought this would be a little out-there for me. I should learn never to second guess authors....this book was fabulous. Its set in a different place and time, but there is no doubt who the writer is. Malla is a stubborn woman who cant believe that she is sold into the sex trade, so refuses to deal with how her body responds to Dains wicked sex games (which are very steamy by the way!). Dain is pure alpha male who decides to have some fun teaching Malla to enjoy sex and, of course, gets irrationally p**sed off with her half way through the book and starts beinbg very mean. The starlight Rite mentioned in the title is a fun-filled sex game that all the family seem to join in on!

Overall very good. I will say it is a little light on the BDSM, its more capture type fantasy with a little non-consent. ( )
  Scorchingrevs | Sep 21, 2013 |
The pacing was a bit off which was sometimes distracting, but otherwise I really like this one. This is my second book by this author and I plan to read a lot more. ( )
  ReaderLas | Mar 31, 2013 |
I love this woman's writing. I hope that she writes more to this series and this planet. Armelina "Mella" and Dain were a perfect match for each other and other than the big misunderstanding, which I am not fond of, this was a very good story. Ms Sinclair has built a very interesting universe with lots of interesting people and places. The sex between Dain and Mella is volcanic hot and very much a Dominant/submissive relationship. It is fascinating watching Mella discover that sex can be wonderful and that it is ok for her to enjoy it. If you like D/s and science fiction in your story then you are definitely going to enjoy this book. ( )
  LadyIsis | Jun 5, 2011 |
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Her voice is famous throughout the galaxy; her face is completely unknown.Fleeing her monstrous husband back on puritanical Earth and the police assassins he's hired, singer Mella Archer becomes stranded on the frontier planet of Nexus. Desperate to survive, she picks the wrong target--Dain, the head of planetary security.Dain is amused by the attempted theft, and when Mella is sentenced to serve time indentured as a bedroom slave, he buys her contract. As he introduces the repressed Earther to the pleasures of sex with a dominating warrior, he slowly comes to realize that the little thief has stolen his heart.When the monster arrives on Nexus and has lunch with Dain, Mella is panic-stricken. Her owner must be part of the conspiracy to kill her, and it will only be a matter of time before the monster discovers that she's still alive. She attempts to escape. She fails. Embittered by her lies and mistrust, Dain returns her to Indenture Hall to be sold again.Now the monster has found her. And she has nowhere left to run...

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