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Wild Girls Club: Tales from Below the Belt (1994)

par Anka Radakovich

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"SEXY, SAUCY...The second best thing to being inundated with gonads is reading Anka Radakovich's hilarious opinions of them." --Michael Musto The Village Voice As the outspoken sex columnist for Details magazine, Anka Radakovich has seen and done it all (at least once). Dating services. Singles cruises. Aphrodisiacs. Homemade videos. Escort services. If it's about love, lust, or being shamelessly single, Anka puts her raw and raucous spin on the naked facts of life in the '90s. BACHELOR PADS: YOUR PLACE OR MINE? The goal of this type of dwelling is to put us in the mood. Hence, the decor combines all the ambiance of a furniture showroom with the comfort of a car's backseat. Women do not find this romantic. "IRREVERENT.--People PARTY ETIQUETTE: MISSED MANNERS Women go to parties hoping to see Prince Charming across a crowded room. But sometimes all we spot is a man dancing with underwear on his head, making gastrointestinal sounds with his armpits. "A VICARIOUS THRILL...EXPLICIT AND FUNNY." --USA Today THE GOODBYE GIRL: DUMPING THE BOYFRIEND The most noble way to cut someone loose is, of course, in person. This has its drawbacks, however, including the possibility that the dumpee might think you are kidding and return five minutes later with a quart of milk. "EROTIC." --New York Magazine GIRL TALK: TALES FROM BELOW THE BELT What makes our gatherings different from boys' night out is that nothing is too personal to say. And nobody drinks ten beers and throws up. "The Cynthia Heimel of the slacker set, she's smart and progressive....Radakovich has wit to burn." --Entertainment Weekly… (plus d'informations)

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Too much fun! It's like Sex and the City for the nineties, even though it is the 2000's (well, plus ten), it still applies. I remember reading her in Details when I was a teenager and being slightly scandalized and loving every minute of it, her book is that good as well. Being closer to her age when she wrote it, I understood more of it and enjoyed it so much....I wonder whatever happened to Anka? ( )
  bookwormteri | Apr 29, 2010 |
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"SEXY, SAUCY...The second best thing to being inundated with gonads is reading Anka Radakovich's hilarious opinions of them." --Michael Musto The Village Voice As the outspoken sex columnist for Details magazine, Anka Radakovich has seen and done it all (at least once). Dating services. Singles cruises. Aphrodisiacs. Homemade videos. Escort services. If it's about love, lust, or being shamelessly single, Anka puts her raw and raucous spin on the naked facts of life in the '90s. BACHELOR PADS: YOUR PLACE OR MINE? The goal of this type of dwelling is to put us in the mood. Hence, the decor combines all the ambiance of a furniture showroom with the comfort of a car's backseat. Women do not find this romantic. "IRREVERENT.--People PARTY ETIQUETTE: MISSED MANNERS Women go to parties hoping to see Prince Charming across a crowded room. But sometimes all we spot is a man dancing with underwear on his head, making gastrointestinal sounds with his armpits. "A VICARIOUS THRILL...EXPLICIT AND FUNNY." --USA Today THE GOODBYE GIRL: DUMPING THE BOYFRIEND The most noble way to cut someone loose is, of course, in person. This has its drawbacks, however, including the possibility that the dumpee might think you are kidding and return five minutes later with a quart of milk. "EROTIC." --New York Magazine GIRL TALK: TALES FROM BELOW THE BELT What makes our gatherings different from boys' night out is that nothing is too personal to say. And nobody drinks ten beers and throws up. "The Cynthia Heimel of the slacker set, she's smart and progressive....Radakovich has wit to burn." --Entertainment Weekly

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