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This is why you're fat (and how to get thin forever) : eat more, cheat more, lose more and keep the weight off (2010)

par Jackie Warner

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Fitness trainer Jackie Warner shares her nutrition and workout program. Her two-tiered approach provides a complete nutritional makeover and a condensed workout routine.

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4 sur 4
A great book on how diet effects your health and how you can make smart food choices to avoid diabetes, heart problems, and other ailments while boosting your metabolism in a short period of time.

This book should be paired with Geneen Roth's Feeding the Hungry Heart to combat the emotional eating that plagues those of us who struggle with weight and emotions.
( )
  AngelaLam | Feb 8, 2022 |
I like that the book has more than most "how to lose weight" books. It has charts to track your exercises, measurement chart, photos of how to do exercises with number of rep/sets, programs for the treadmill, elliptical etc. and even for walking/hiking, biking and swimming. She also included a sort of mind over matter and eat clean for 5 days, eat what you want for two which is something that works for me, except I use the 6/1 day approach.

There are some really good recipes in this book and even a 31 day meal plan that consists of 400 calories for main meals, 100-150 for snacks. They contain 4 proteins, 3 veggies, 2 fruit, 2 grains and 1 fat.

I really enjoyed this book and think it would be a great resource for anyone who wants to start a weight loss, fitness program. ( )
  VickiLN | Jun 13, 2010 |
Jackie Warner may be the fitness guru to the stars but this book is a book for anyone that wants to lose weight and get healthy. I liked the layout of the book as she lays out the plan and what you should do and follows with helpful extras. The book contains detailed pictures and instructions for the weight training portion of the plan, menus and recipes, and appendices with charts to help you plan and track your meals and exercise. Jackie writes in an easy to read, motivational, get your butt in gear and do it attitude that I really liked. The food plan is one that I would actually use with food items I would eat. Most of the diet and health books I have read before contain ingredients and food items that I have never heard of or are items that are hard to find in my area. I am overweight and unhealthy and this book has motivated me to make a change. I have set up another blog just for my journey in following Warner's plan. I would love for any of you to join me in using her plan or just stop by to read about my journey. Check it out at: ( )
  lauraleah | May 18, 2010 |
I love her! ( )
  angelitamay | Nov 1, 2010 |
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Fitness trainer Jackie Warner shares her nutrition and workout program. Her two-tiered approach provides a complete nutritional makeover and a condensed workout routine.

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