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The Duke & the Pirate Queen (2012)

par Victoria Janssen

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393655,423 (3.63)Aucun
Aboard her privateering ship, The Seaflower, Captain Imena Leung is the law. Ashore she answers only to her liege, Duke Maxime. They are a powerful couple, with an intense attraction neither can disguise nor deny. As a nobleman, Maxime is destined to wed strategically, so his seductive advances must be purely for pleasure. And what self-respecting pirate denies herself any pleasure? Their delicious dalliance is prolonged when Imena is forced to abduct Maxime to thwart a political plot against him. At sea, with a stunningly virile man bound and held in her private quarters, Imena can imagine--and enact--any number of intoxicating scenarios. The heat between captain and captive is matched only by the perils that beset The Seaflower and her crew. Violent storms, marauding corsairs and life-or-death sex games on a desert island--how fortunate for the seemingly insatiable lovers that danger and desire go hand-in-hand.… (plus d'informations)

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Love the cover, love the story, love the heroine. Also, Victoria writes smart. ( )
  MoriahJovan | Aug 11, 2012 |
he King wants Duke Maxime to marry the Lady Diamanta Picot but Max only wants Captain Imena Leung who is his employee. Imena is also having the same problem because her parents want her to marry and settle down. There is now way she is going to do that. She loves her crew and ship, The Seaflower, and can't imagine life without them. While ashore she overhears a plot to kill Max so she kidnaps him and brings him aboard her ship until Sylvie, who is Duchess Camille's bodyguard/spy/handmaiden, discovers who is behind it. Lord Odell is the chief suspect because he hopes to elevated himself to Duke. Now the fun begins between Max and Imena and they discover that maybe they are more suited for each other then originally thought!

What a fun read! This had everything that I liked in a historical romance. Action, intrigue, and hot steamy romance! Captain Imena Leung is a very strong heroine and well matched against, Duke Maxime, who is determined to marry her. If you are fan of the historical romance you will not be disappointed in this book! ( )
  Kelsey_O | Mar 20, 2011 |
THE DUKE AND THE PIRATE QUEEN by Victoria Janssen is a Spice historical romance set in nineteenth century high seas,England. It is well written with depth and details. It has romance, danger, lust, betrayal, passion, violent storms, pirates, spicy sex,love,sex games on a deserted island, trust, role reversal with the enpowerment of women, and a powerful couple with an intense attraction of each other. The heroine, Imena, is beautiful, a pirateeing captain, captain of "The Seaflower", has an intense attraction to the handsome Maxime, who is also her boss. The hero, Maxime, is handsome, a Duke, destined to wed, a powerful nobleman, and has an intense attraction to his beautiful employee, Imena. When Imena, overhears the plans to abduct Maxime, she decides to kidnap him herself to keep him safe. They have had an attraction for each other from the beginning. With Maxime deciding he wants to marry the beautiful,sexy,seafaring captain, Maxime. Together they make a powerful couple. Either,battling pirates on the open seas or being captured on a deserted island, for sexual games.This is a powerful story of love, meeting their destinies and coming together of a powerful couple. WARNING: This book does have explicit sex scenes. I would recommend this book, especially if you enjoy high sea drama, graphic sex scenes and a great story of love, lust, power and a couple learning to trust each other. This book was received for the purpose of review from Net Galley and details can be found at HQN, Spice and My Book Addiction and More. ( )
  tarenn | Dec 29, 2010 |
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Aboard her privateering ship, The Seaflower, Captain Imena Leung is the law. Ashore she answers only to her liege, Duke Maxime. They are a powerful couple, with an intense attraction neither can disguise nor deny. As a nobleman, Maxime is destined to wed strategically, so his seductive advances must be purely for pleasure. And what self-respecting pirate denies herself any pleasure? Their delicious dalliance is prolonged when Imena is forced to abduct Maxime to thwart a political plot against him. At sea, with a stunningly virile man bound and held in her private quarters, Imena can imagine--and enact--any number of intoxicating scenarios. The heat between captain and captive is matched only by the perils that beset The Seaflower and her crew. Violent storms, marauding corsairs and life-or-death sex games on a desert island--how fortunate for the seemingly insatiable lovers that danger and desire go hand-in-hand.

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Victoria Janssen est un auteur LibraryThing, c'est-à-dire un auteur qui catalogue sa bibliothèque personnelle sur LibraryThing.

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