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Stronger than Sin

par Caridad Piñeiro

Séries: Sin Hunters (2), SINS Series (2)

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It's been six months since Liliana Carrera helped her brother rescue Caterina Shaw from Wardwell Laboratories, a group of fringe scientists experimenting on human beings. Now, Liliana - with funding from the FBI - has set up a new facility to continue testing the inhibitor complex, a cure for the patients of Wardwell.… (plus d'informations)

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When the hero was a pro athlete in his prime, he wasn't a decent man. He was arrogant, sleeping with anything with big boobs and a pulse. Then an injury brought to light his disease, that his body is slowly turning to stone with every injury he receives, successfully ending his career. In an attempt to fix himself, he volunteered for genetic treatment only to wind up caged like an animal and experimented on by mad scientists. Now he's being black mailed by his captors. They've told him his sister is deadly sick and if he helps them, they'll make sure she lives. The heroine has escaped an abusive relationship vowing to never again allow anyone to have that much control over her. Her sister in law was once a prisoner to the same people who have the hero captive and as a doctor she's working on treatment for the health issues that the patients have as a result of the experiments. When she's given the chance to test another survivor she's happy to, knowing that more information will help her treat her patients. When she meets the hero, she dismisses him as just another millionaire playboy despite his illness and surfer good looks. But as they spend time together, the heroine begins to see that he is no longer the man he once was. Years of destructive behavior and his imprisonment have awaken him to his faults. He now knows what's important in life-family and a good woman to call his own. Despite being a foot taller and built like a tank, the heroine feels protective of the man. It's clear that the 'FBI' are nothing more than hired thugs and the hero is hiding something from her and the violent outbursts the hero suffers from make the heroine hesitate about investing too much in the man. But soon she can no longer deny her feelings for the hero and together they fight to over throw their oppressors. I thought this book was decent if a bit on the slow side. I wasn't completely enchanted by the basic writing style or less the charismatic characters but I liked it well enough for 3 stars. I liked the fact that the heroine was a strong Latina who guarded her patient like a mother bear despite the guy being as large and dangerous as he was. I liked the vulnerability of the hero as he went from a star playboy to a man insecure about his value to such a woman as the doctor. He's never before had to worry about having a woman love him and the heroine has been hurt before. Nice enough story and will happily read more from this author in future. ( )
  Eden00 | May 14, 2016 |
I will have to say i really enjoyed this book...Caridad did carry her characters well...i had a blast with Dr. Liliana Carrera and Jesse Bradford...what a wonderful was a very sexy read...i will have to explore more of Caridad Pineiro's books! Thanks to the author for keeping me sane...if it wasn't for author's/writer's today...i'd be nuts! :) ( )
  Dawn2016 | Jan 29, 2016 |
Liliana is a doctor, dedicated to trying to stop the horrific effects patients who were injected by hybrid DNA are suffering from. This causes her to become the caregiver to gorgeous ex football star, Jesse. After an injury ended his football career, he became one of many victims when he was treated with experimental gene therapy. Now he is forming bone in places where bone shouldn’t be able to form. Liliana is brought on as his physician under misleading circumstances. When she begins to have romantic feelings for Jesse she questions her ethical responsibilities, as well as the lingering feeling things aren’t quite as they seem. Jesse is also finding himself with feelings he didn’t expect, but with his questionable past and future he isn’t sure if he can make things with the gorgeous doctor work.

This is the second book in the Sin series. I haven’t read the first, but really wished I would have before reading Stronger Than Sin. The author did provide enough background info to help readers figure out what was happening. I just would have liked a little more background on some of the characters mentioned. This is in no way the author’s fault. I know better than to read a series out of order ;) I’ll definitely read the first, Sins of the Flesh, when I have the chance.

I thought the whole hybrid gene thing really made the premise of this one fascinating. I also enjoy books with lead characters that are doctors, and dig all the medical jargon that comes along with it. While there are no vampires or werewolves, the gene mutation gives it something I feel will appeal to readers who enjoy a good paranormal romance novel.

This one also contained really great lead characters. Jesse and Liliana both suffered harm from those they’ve trusted in the past. For Liliana it was at the hands of an ex, and with Jesse it was the doctors he’d hoped would save his career. I loved watching them learn to trust again together. The chemistry between Liliana and Jesse was HOT. I also felt the progression of their relationship was well paced. While they started to fall quickly it didn’t feel rushed. I like how they weren’t even really each others types, but couldn’t deny the attraction when thrown together under perilous circumstances.

Stronger Than Sin is a nice mix of romance and suspense. I’d recommend it to fans of both romantic suspense and paranormal romance. ( )
  C.Ibarra | Nov 26, 2010 |
The books doesn't have to be read in order, but doing that you will know more about these genetic experiments. And as for the paranormal romance label, well there is noting paranormal here so far, it's more scientific romance suspense. The "paranormal" is all man-made. Let me explain.

There are this evil kind of scientists that wants to make perfect soldiers and such. By implanting animal DNA into humans. In the last book one escaped and was rescued, and Liliana managed to get the things going on in Cat's body under control. In this one a man shows up claiming to be FBI, and wants Liliana to treat another escapee, Jesse Bradford, a hunky ex football player who joined the treatment in order to get better since he is suffering from a disease. The implanted genes into him, and now those genes are going crazy and he is getting an exo-skeleton, because where he gets a wound, bone heals it. And when the whole of you are just bone, well then you die. The evil guys are also threatening him. There you go, another sort of paranormal romance.

My thoughts:
I liked Liliana already in book 1, she was in a bad relationship and I wanted her to find someone nice. Nice here is Jesse who the "FBI" tells her is out of control and could go crazy and punch someone. She really should be careful but she meets him, she is gentle and sweet, and he falls for her at once. No one has been that nice for a while. He also used to quite the player, but who can hold it against him. He was famous and goodlooking.

I also like Jesse because he feels so bad for lying to her, but he wants to save his sister, and Liliana is one smart women and she has doubts about the whole thing. Something weird is going on. But she still stays, she is tough too.

There was suspense too, the race against the clock because he needs treatment, and his body is out of control. The danger from the Wardwell gang who wants to keep their test subjects and make the process better. The abuse he is suffering from Whittaker, the FBI agent, and so on. And then there is the romance, the slow romance that is building up between these two. She is skittish, and it's wrong on more than one level. But there is passion between them, and when they finally make a move, then it's bliss.

Recommendation and final thoughts:
I say yes, I would recommend this book. It's different than usual paranormal books, it's like Dark Angel, but without the bleak future. A book for you paranormal and UF fans, for those that like suspense, and romance, and in the end to everyone that would like something different.

It's an easy book to read, even when she in the lab being all smart. I could not turn the pages any faster to see what is going to happen. It was even better than book 1. And when it ends, omg, I do not know what to say. Perfect ending, but also an opening and I sure hopes she writes more.

I will give it a 4, because that it kept me entertained and I didn't want to put it down. ( )
  blodeuedd | Oct 22, 2010 |
We're all fascinated with the unknown. Recent movies that involve paranormal activity have made huge impacts on the media scene and most of us can't wait for the next one. Caridad Piñeiro's 25th novel, Stronger Than Sin, deals with the paranormal in a way that brings romance into the mix and creates a story with passion and intense drama.

Readers familiar with Piñeiro's work might recognize Dr. Liliana Carerra, whom Piñeiro brings forward from Sins of the Flesh, the first book in her SINS series. Dr. Carerra is a heroine blessed with caring, loyalty and inner strength. She's sexy, but strong, passionate, yet determined - and when she meets Jesse Bradford, Liliana knows that she must help him find the right path for his life.

Jesse is a former star football player who is enamored with all the trappings, including fame and power. It's interesting to follow Jesse in his quest to return to the family values with which he was raised and to set his priorities straight. He's a strong hero who needs a strong heroine - he gets that and more in Dr. Liliana Carerra.

Family values also come into play in Stronger Than Sin, and with Jesse, Piñeiro explores what happens when celebrity status hits a person, changes him into an arrogant and selfish man and what transpires when he attempts to return to the values and integrity he grew up with.

The fact that Dr. Carrera almost died because of this evil group of Wardwell scientists makes her even more determined to help Jesse overcome the effects of Wardwell's experimental gene therapy of which Jesse has fallen a victim. When Liliana first sees Jesse, he has an unbelievably stunning body and superhuman powers, but she knows that it came with a wicked price.

Liliana and Jesse come together with all the passion and lust of a romance novel - Jesse is captivated by her compassion and her erotic touch. Yet, all around the couple is evil and they can't escape having to deal with a diabolical force that's determined to destroy whatever stands in their way in order to complete their malicious plot.

Stronger Than Sin makes you realize what might happen when a group of illegal scientists come together to round up certain patients they can use as guinea pigs in a diabolical plot to inject non-human genes into their bodies. It's science at its most terrifying and Piñeiro uses all of her writing talents to make readers stop and think about genetically altered human beings and what might happen if these amended humans had supernatural powers to use against mankind.

In Stronger Than Sin, Piñeiro continues with her original theme in the SINS series of science gone horribly wrong. She weaves the tale superbly and believably because she bases the premise on actual science. What is told in Stronger Than Sin could really happen in this day of genetically modified organisms.

Review by Lauren Smith

This book review covers " Stronger Than Sin," by Caridad Piñeiro.

Article Source: A Paranormal Romance That Will Leave You Breathless ( )
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  audreyl1969 | Dec 23, 2010 |
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It's been six months since Liliana Carrera helped her brother rescue Caterina Shaw from Wardwell Laboratories, a group of fringe scientists experimenting on human beings. Now, Liliana - with funding from the FBI - has set up a new facility to continue testing the inhibitor complex, a cure for the patients of Wardwell.

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