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Evo Morales: The Extraordinary Rise of the First Indigenous President of Bolivia

par Martín Sivak

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The fascinating Bolivian president Evo Morales is vying with the brash and provocative leader of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, to be the most influential figure in South American politics today. Since coming into office four years ago, Morales has been intensely critical of the United States, speaking out against the drug war at the United Nations and implementing socialist programs at home, including the nationalization of British Petroleum holdings and other foreign investments. And he has reached out to America's political enemies, including Cuba and Iran. Based on personal interviews and unprecedented access, Sivak traces the rise of Morales from his humble origins in a family of migrant workers to his youth as union organizer and explosion onto the national stage.… (plus d'informations)

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Sivak's biography of Morales is inspirational though his narrative is somewhat tedious given that he first builds up a glorious word tribute to Morales and then tries condensing him into a more relatable figure. I enjoyed his description of Morales rise from rags to President and how he confronts unimaginable challenges in a nation beset by poverty and societal depression. ( )
  Amarj33t_5ingh | Jul 8, 2022 |
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The fascinating Bolivian president Evo Morales is vying with the brash and provocative leader of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, to be the most influential figure in South American politics today. Since coming into office four years ago, Morales has been intensely critical of the United States, speaking out against the drug war at the United Nations and implementing socialist programs at home, including the nationalization of British Petroleum holdings and other foreign investments. And he has reached out to America's political enemies, including Cuba and Iran. Based on personal interviews and unprecedented access, Sivak traces the rise of Morales from his humble origins in a family of migrant workers to his youth as union organizer and explosion onto the national stage.

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