Mot-clémystery. This book was very detailed and I enjoyed it very much. Tony had gone through some good and bad times. He was very sad that Mr. Jefferson had died and he knew he had to let it pass him. Tony was a good runner and he loved to be active.

Comprend: mystery. This book was very detailed and I enjoyed it very much. Tony had gone through some good and bad times. He was very sad that Mr. Jefferson had died and he knew he had to let it pass him. Tony was a good runner and he loved to be active., mystery. this book was very detailed and i enjoyed it very much. tony had gone through some good and bad times. he was very sad that mr. jefferson had died and he knew he had to let it pass him. tony was a good runner and he loved to be active., mystery. this book was very detailed and i enjoyed it very much. tony had gone through some good and bad times. he was very sad that mr. jefferson had died and he knew he had to let it pass him. tony was a good runner and he loved to be active

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xxkrystalxx (1)