Critiques en avant-première

In the Hands of Grace
Available in pdf. Susan Appleton is a woman who married well, lived the life of plenty, and loses most of it when her husband Harry is killed in a car accident. She manages to walk away from the lap of luxury and her husband’s greedy family with some insurance money, a summer cottage on eastern Long Island and her well-paying, highly stressful job as an assistant gem broker in Manhattan’s Diamond District. Then, she is fired, the victim of office politics and downsizing. Once again, she is forced to cope with a sudden, unwelcome change. During the weeks that follow, she is bombarded with constant worries—her teenage son Chris, her finances, and her job prospects. She also faces the long unanswered questions she has avoided since her husband’s death. Who was he with at the business meeting on the night he was killed? When she meets up with her neighbor Grace Burton on the very day she is fired, Susan is amazed at how safe she feels around her. With Grace’s friendship and clairvoyant gifts, Susan learns the value of simple pleasures. She also meets Tom, a local handy man, who has a talent for fixing a lot more than a broken screen door. He just may be the one to mend her broken heart. In just a few weeks, Susan realizes how blessed she is in the face of adversity and learns to appreciate all the amazing “coincidences” she is experiencing in the hands of Grace.
Christian Fiction, Romance, Fiction and Literature
Offert par
The Writer's Coffee Shop (Éditeur(-trice))
(User: TWCSPH)
June 2011
Débute: 2011-06-06
Terminé: 2011-06-30
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