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What Alice ForgotAperçu
What Alice Forgot
Alice Love is twenty-nine years old, and her life is soft, slow and sweet. She's unfailingly optimistic, keen on sleeping in, eating anything with chocolate in it, and above all, adores her husband, Nick. They're expecting their first baby, who at the moment is the size of a raisin (they call her the Sultana) and to whom Nick speaks nightly through an empty toilet paper roll held right up against Alice's belly. Alice and Nick plan to spend the rest of their lives working on the rundown, ramshackle house they just bought, with the goal of completing the list of projects (they've deemed it The Impossible Dream) sometime shortly before they die. So imagine Alice's surprise when she comes to on the floor of a gym (a gym! she HATES the gym!) and is whisked off to the hospital. Her first concern is her baby, and she's desperate to see Nick, who she knows will be worried about her. But Alice isn't pregnant. And Nick isn't worried. Turns out, Alice is in fact thirty-nine, has three children and the honeymoon is well and truly over for her and Nick. Her ramshackle home is picture perfect from top to bottom, and it's clear that she inhabits a body that doesn't indulge in chocolate often (or ever). The knock on the head has misplaced ten years of her life and Alice isn't sure she likes life ten years later. With a decade of memories gone for the time being, she has to piece together what has happened and who she has become. And in the end, it turns out forgetting might be the most memorable thing that's ever happened to her.
General Fiction, Fiction and Literature
Offert par
Putnam Books (Éditeur(-trice))
(User: PutnamBooks)
April 2011
Débute: 2011-04-06
Terminé: 2011-04-28
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