Critiques en avant-première

Walking BackwardAperçu
Walking Backward
When Josh's mother dies in a phobia-induced car crash, she leaves two questions for her grieving family: how did a snake get into her car and how do you mourn with no faith to guide you? Twelve-year-old Josh is left alone to find the answers. His father is building a time machine. His four-year-old brother's closest friend is a plastic Power Ranger. His psychiatrist offers nothing more than a blank journal and platitudes. Isolated by grief in a home where every day is pajama day, Josh makes death his research project. He tests the mourning practices of religions he doesn't believe in. He tries to mend his little brother's shattered heart. He observes, records and waits - for his life to feel normal, for his mother's death to make sense, for his father to come out of the basement. His observations, recorded in a series of journal entries, are funny, smart, insightful - and heartbreaking. His conclusions about the nature of love, loss, grief and the space-time continuum are nothing less than life-changing. (For ages 9-12) From Kirkus Reviews: "In this impressive debut novel, Josh keeps a journal to chart his feelings and thoughts, allowing readers to follow his journey from sadness to acceptance and the eventual return of cohesion in his family. Given the subject matter, the story is never maudlin, and Josh's voice rings natural and true. An elegantly crafted volume of lasting power."
Children's Books, Kids, Fiction and Literature
Offert par
Orca Book Publishers (Éditeur(-trice))
(User: lesboots)
October 2009
Débute: 2009-10-05
Terminé: 2009-10-27
En vente
Canada, États-Unis
Information de l'éditeurPage de l'oeuvre LibraryThing
15 a critiqué
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