Critiques en avant-première

TICK to the TOCK
Discovering you have an inoperable brain tumour is a shock, but with a ticking clock, I must decide whether to fight or tackle my bucket list one-by-one. My name is Dante King, and I’m an average twenty-two-year-old with dreams and a lifetime to complete them. At least, I did until this morning. Something strange happens when you’re told you have a few months left to live. I want to defeat this but don’t think I can, and I can’t imagine dying whilst so many wasted wishes remain. But this isn’t only about me, as my parents urge me to stay and fight, and my two best friends argue about what’s best for me. And then there’s Danii, the one who got away. I always figured we’d get a second chance, another opportunity to tell her how much I love her. Looking back on the times I said no instead of yes, battled Danii’s love, and talked about adventure rather than doing it, I know what I must do. It isn’t to fight, but to travel, and embark on a journey of self-discovery. I’ve never been happy, but I must finally allow myself to be, because Love & Living Begins Now!
General Fiction, Romance, Fiction and Literature
Offert par
MatthewTurner (Auteur)
Publié par
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
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