ÉvènementsSinking of the Maine

Évènements par couverture

Œuvres (22)

Alice: Alice Roosevelt Longworth, from White House Princess to Washington Power Broker par Stacy A. Cordery
Cyclops par Clive Cussler
Souvenir program for benefit of fund for erection of monument to dead sailors of the U.S. Battleship Maine at Ford's gra
US Navy Battleships 1882-98 : The pre-dreadnoughts and monitors that fought the Spanish-American War par Brian Lane Herder
The wreck of the noble Maine : patriotic song par John J. Greenwood
The "Maine" : an account of her destruction in Havana harbor par Charles D. Sigsbee1898-02-15
Do animals think?, Who blew up the Maine? par Muse magazine1898-02-15
The Fate of the Maine par John Edward Weems1898-02-15
History of Our War With Spain par James Rankin Young1898-02-15
How the Battleship Maine Was Destroyed par Hyman George Rickover1898-02-15
Pig's Foot par Carlos Acosta1898-02-15
Pulitzer: A Life in Politics, Print, and Power par James McGrath Morris1898-02-15
Remember the Maine par Gregory Mason1898-02-15
Remember the Maine and to Hell with Spain: The Spanish American War. par Greg Novak1898-02-15
Remember the Maine!1898-02-15
Remember the Maine: The Spanish-American War Begins (First Battles) par Tim McNeese1898-02-15
A Ship to Remember: The Maine and the Spanish-American War par Michael Blow1898-02-15
Sinking of the Maine par Douglas M. Rife1898-02-15
The Sinking of the Uss Maine, February 15, 1898: The Incident That Triggered the Spanish-American War. par John Evangelist Walsh1898-02-15
The Sinking of the USS Maine: Declaring War Against Spain (Milestones in American History) par Samuel Willard Crompton1898-02-15
The Spanish-American War: "Remember the Maine" (American War Series) par Robert Somerlott1898-02-15
The Story of the Sinking of the Battleship Maine par Zachary Kent1898-02-15