Episcopal Church (désambigüisation)

"Episcopal Church" est composé d'au moins 7 auteurs distincts, divisés selon leurs œuvres.

A propos de l'auteur

Comprend les noms: Church Hymnal, Episcopal Church, Episcopal Church, Church Publishing, Church Hymnal Corp., Church Hymnal Corp., The Episcopal Church, PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL, Episcopal Church USA, The Episcopal Church, The Episcopal Church, Episcopal The Church, Publishing Inc Church, Church Hymnal editors, Episcopal Church Staff, Episcopal Church Staff, Episcopal Media Center, Episcopal Church Center, The Church Hymnal Corp., Episcopal Church Hymnal, Episcopal Church U.S.A., Church Hymnal Corporation, Church Hymnal Corporation, American Episcopal Church, Episcopal Church of America, Episcopal Church Foundation, Episcopal Church Foundation, The Episcopal Church Center, Episcopal Church Foundation, Protestant Episcopal Church, Episcopal Church Prayer Book, Prostestant Episcopal Church, The Church Hymnal Corporation, The Church Hymnal Corporation, The Episcopal Church Foundation, Protestant Episcopal Church USA, Episcopal Church. Holy Eucharist, Episcopal Church Fellowship Series, Episcopal Church. Board of Missions, Standing Commission on Church Music, Episcopal Church in the United States, The Episcopal Church General Convention, Episcopal Prayer Book Revision Committee, Protestant Episcopal Church Of The U. S., United States Protestant Episcopal Church, Episcopal Church : The Church Pension Fund, Protestant Episcopal Church in the U. S. A., [Protestant Episcopal Church in the U.S.A.], Episcopal Church. Dept. of Christian Education, The Joint Commission on Revision of the Hymnal, Episcopal Church. Lesser feasts and fasts (2003)., Episcopal Church (U.S.A.). Standing Commission on, The Standing Liturgical Commission of the Episcopa, Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States o, Standing Liturgical Commission of the Protestant E, The Standing Liturgical Commission of the Protesta, The Protestant Episcopal Church in the United Stat, Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States o, by Episcopal Church. Standing Liturgical Commissio, Standing Liturgical Commission of the Episcopal Ch, The Standing Liturgical Committee of the Protestant Episcopal Church, Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music and the General Convention Office, The Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the USA

Comprend aussi: Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music of the Episcopal Church (4), Episcopal Church Diocese of New York (1)

Division des auteurs

Episcopal Church (1) : The Episcopal Church (USA)

The Book of Common Prayer [1979] (1979) 2,482 exemplaires, 7 critiques
1982 Episcopal Hymnal (1982) 535 exemplaires, 2 critiques
Ceremonies of the Eucharist: A guide to Celebration (1989) 234 exemplaires, 2 critiques
The Book of Occasional Services 2003 (2000) 149 exemplaires
Services for Trial Use (1971) 130 exemplaires
Book of Common Prayer [n.d.] (-0001) 123 exemplaires, 2 critiques
Lesser Feasts and Fasts (1980) 98 exemplaires, 1 critique
The Hymnal 1940 Companion (1940) 84 exemplaires, 2 critiques
Lesser Feasts And Fasts 2003 (2003) 70 exemplaires
The Liturgy of the Lord's Supper (1967) 69 exemplaires, 1 critique
Lectionary Texts: Year A (2000) 66 exemplaires
Daily Office Book (1986) 60 exemplaires, 1 critique
Hymnbook 1982 (1985) 57 exemplaires
The Prayer book office (1980) 56 exemplaires, 2 critiques
Prayers Thanksgivings and Litanies (1973) 54 exemplaires
Lesser Feasts And Fasts 2000 (2001) 50 exemplaires
Episcopal Eucharistic Lectionary (1977) 49 exemplaires
Hymns III : Church Hymns III (1979) 48 exemplaires
Book of Common Prayer (1979) Sunday Lectionary (1979) 42 exemplaires, 1 critique
The Book of Canticles Church Hymnal Series II (1979) 39 exemplaires, 1 critique
Book of Common Prayer (1979) Daily Office Lectionary (1979) 36 exemplaires, 1 critique
A Great Cloud of Witnesses (2016) 32 exemplaires
Lesser Feasts and Fasts 1991 (1991) 30 exemplaires, 2 critiques
Lesser Feasts and Fasts (1994) (1995) 23 exemplaires
El Himnario (2001) 23 exemplaires
The Way of the Cross (1987) 22 exemplaires
Book of Common Prayer (1928) Daily Office Lectionary (1928) 18 exemplaires, 1 critique
Annotated Constitution and Canons (1982) 18 exemplaires
Book of Common Prayer (1928) Sunday Lectionary (1928) 17 exemplaires, 1 critique
Daily office readings (2000) 17 exemplaires
Enriching Our Music 1 (2003) 17 exemplaires
Revised Office Readings (2000) 16 exemplaires
The book of common prayer (1928) 14 exemplaires
Stories for Young Churchmen (1954) 13 exemplaires, 1 critique
Lesser Feasts and Fasts 2022 (2022) 13 exemplaires
A Short Book of Common Prayer (1970) 12 exemplaires
The Vestry Resource Guide 12 exemplaires, 1 critique
The Book of Common Prayer Large Print edition (2014) 11 exemplaires, 1 critique
Lesser Feasts and Fasts 2018 (2019) 11 exemplaires
Altar Book: Deluxe Edition (2000) 9 exemplaires
The Episcopal Church Annual (2009) 9 exemplaires, 1 critique
The Episcopal Church Annual 2002 (2002) 9 exemplaires
The Hymnal (1940) 8 exemplaires, 1 critique
Prayer Book Offices (2020) 7 exemplaires
The Blue Book (2000) 6 exemplaires
The Episcopal Church (1964) 6 exemplaires
Prayer Book Studies V: The Litany (1953) 5 exemplaires
Weekday Eucharistic Propers (2017) 5 exemplaires
Planning for Rites and Rituals (2020) 4 exemplaires
The Episcopal Church Annual 1999 (1999) 4 exemplaires
El Himnario Provisional (1980) 4 exemplaires
Episcopal Church Annual 2021 (2021) 3 exemplaires
The Episcopal Church Annual 2018 (2018) 3 exemplaires
An Order for Compline 3 exemplaires
The Hymnal 1982: Hymns 3 exemplaires
What About Us? 3 exemplaires
The Episcopal Church Annual 1993 (1993) 3 exemplaires
The Litany 2 exemplaires
The Episcopal Church Annual 2007 (2007) 2 exemplaires
Episcopal Church Annual 2019 (2019) 2 exemplaires
The Episcopal Church 2 exemplaires
Episcopal Church Annual 2020 (2020) 2 exemplaires
Witness at Ground Zero 2 exemplaires
The mission hymnal 2 exemplaires
Celebration of a Marriage (2000) 2 exemplaires
Loving Justice 1 exemplaire
Ways We Learn 1 exemplaire
2017 Episcopal Church Annual (2017) 1 exemplaire
The Lord's Prayer 1 exemplaire
Songs for celebration 1 exemplaire
Grebo prayer book 1 exemplaire
Means of Grace 1 exemplaire
Forward day by day 1 exemplaire

Episcopal Church (inconnu)

A Time To Pray (2017) 4 exemplaires
The Christian life (1965) 3 exemplaires
The Hymnal (1933) 2 exemplaires, 1 critique
Gospel Readings 2 exemplaires

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